HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Parameters
Describes Data Fabric parameters and their default values.
The following table lists user-configurable parameters and their default values. These
default values reflect those in the default configuration files, plus any overrides
shipped out-of-the-box in core-site.xml
or other configuration files. You can override these
values by editing or adding them in mapred-site.xml
using the -D
option to the
hadoop jar
command whenever you submit a job or set values
explicitly in your code.
Parameter |
Default |
fs.mapr.bailout.on.library.mismatch | true |
fs.mapr.bind.retries | false |
fs.mapr.working.dir | |
fs.maprfs.impl | |
fs.ramfs.impl | |
fs.s3.block.size | 33554432 |
fs.s3.blockSize | 33554432 |
fs.s3.buffer.dir | |
fs.s3.impl | |
fs.s3.maxRetries | 4 |
fs.s3.sleepTimeSeconds | 10 |
fs.s3n.block.size | 33554432 |
fs.s3n.blockSize | 33554432 |
fs.s3n.impl | |
fs.trash.interval | 0 |
hadoop.logfile.count | 10 |
hadoop.logfile.size | 10000000 |
hadoop.native.lib | TRUE |
hadoop.proxyuser.root.groups | root |
hadoop.proxyuser.root.hosts | |
hadoop.rpc.socket.factory.class.default | |
hadoop.security.authentication | simple |
hadoop.security.authorization | FALSE |
hadoop.security.group.mapping | |
hadoop.security.uid.cache.secs | 14400 |
hadoop.tmp.dir | |
hadoop.util.hash.type | murmur |
hadoop.workaround.non.threadsafe.getpwuid | FALSE |
io.bytes.per.checksum | 512 |
io.compression.codecs | |
io.file.buffer.size | 8192 |
io.mapfile.bloom.error.rate | 0.005 |
io.mapfile.bloom.size | 1048576 |
io.serializations | |
io.skip.checksum.errors | FALSE |
io.sort.factor | 256 |
io.sort.mb | 380 |
io.sort.record.percent | 0.17 |
io.sort.spill.percent | 0.99 |
ipc.client.connect.max.retries | 10 |
ipc.client.connection.maxidletime | 10000 |
ipc.client.idlethreshold | 4000 |
ipc.client.kill.max | 10 |
ipc.client.max.connection.setup.timeout | 20 |
ipc.client.tcpnodelay | TRUE |
ipc.server.listen.queue.size | 128 |
ipc.server.tcpnodelay | TRUE |
job.end.retry.interval | 30000 |
jobclient.completion.poll.interval | 5000 |
jobclient.output.filter | FAILED |
jobclient.progress.monitor.poll.interval | 1000 |
keep.failed.task.files | FALSE |
local.cache.size | 1.07E+10 |
map.sort.class | |
mapr.centrallog.dir | logs |
mapr.localoutput.dir | output |
mapr.localspill.dir | spill |
mapr.localvolumes.path | |
mapr.map.keyprefix.ints | 1 |
mapr.task.diagnostics.enabled | FALSE |
mapreduce.heartbeat.10 | 300 |
mapreduce.heartbeat.100 | 1000 |
mapreduce.heartbeat.1000 | 10000 |
mapreduce.job.complete.cancel.delegation.tokens | TRUE |
mapreduce.maprfs.use.compression | TRUE |
mapreduce.reduce.input.limit | -1 |
mapreduce.task.classpath.user.precedence | FALSE |
maprfs.openfid2.prefetch.bytes | 0 |
tasktracker.http.threads | 2 |
topology.node.switch.mapping.impl |