Troubleshooting and Recovery

Typically, the utility succeeds and if the utility fails partially or completely, try the troubleshooting and recovery steps described here.

A completely failed run indicates that the utility did not set up cross-cluster communication between any of the local or remote nodes. Typical reasons for complete failure include:

  • The prerequisites for running thes utility were not met.

    Refer to Prerequisites for running this utility.

  • The utility was not run as mapr or administrative user.

    The user running the utility must be able to run commands like maprlogin password, maprlogin generateticket, and maprcli node list.

  • The -localuser option was not specified when there was a non-default username (like admin) for the mapr user on the local node.
  • The -remoteuser option was not specified when there was a non-default username (like admin) for the mapr user on the remote node.
  • The username specified in the -localcrosscluster option does not exist in the local cluster.

    This utility requires that the username specified in the -localcrossclusteruser option to exist before running the utility.

  • The username specified in the -remotecrosscluster option does not exist in the remote cluster.

    This utility requires that the username specified in the -remotecrossclusteruser option to exist before running the utility.

  • The wrong password was specified for the local mapr user for the local cluster.

    This utility uses commands like ssh and scp to access other nodes in the local cluster. So, if the public key authentication between the local node and the other nodes in the local cluster is not setup, you must have set a password for the mapr administrative user specified in the -localuser argument.

  • The wrong password was specified for the remote mapr user for the remote cluster.

    This utility uses commands like ssh and scp to access other nodes in the local cluster. So, if the public key authentication between the local node and the node specified in the -remoteip option is not setup, there must be a password for the mapr administrative user specified in the -remoteuser option.

For completely failed runs, examine the log file in /opt/mapr/logs/crosscluster.log and the output of the latest run in /tmp/mapr-xcs directory. The crosscluster.log looks something like the following:

Script started at Fri Sep 29 15:56:33 PDT 2017
Entering recovery mode. Using cross-cluster directory /tmp/mapr-xcs/13194
Verifying that pssh is present ... ok
Verifying that expect is present ... ok
Verifying that trust store is present ... ok
Verifying that cluster file is present and cluster name is set ... clustername is set to
Verifying that security is configured ... 
Verifying that keytool exists ... ok
Verifying that local user exists ... ok
Verifying that local cross-cluster user exists ... ok
Verifying that remote cross-cluster user exists ... ok
Verifying connectivity to and presence of mapr-clusters.conf
Running command: ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null
 -o GlobalKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o LogLevel=quiet -p 22 mapr@ ls /
Logging in to local cluster

The utility may also report partial success. The utility does not fail due to inability to copy the updated files to the nodes in the local or remote clusters, so the most likely cause of partial failure is improperly configured or failed cluster nodes.

For partially failed runs, examine the contents of the latest run in /tmp/mapr-xcs directory in addition to the contents of the /opt/mapr/logs/crosscluster.log file.

In the following example, the latest run of the utility is in /tmp/mapr-xcs/13194, since this directory has the most recent modification date:

[admin@node95 ~]# ls -lt /tmp/mapr-xcs
total 8
drwx------ 14 mapr mapr 4096 Sep 29 15:49 13194
drwx------ 30 mapr mapr 4096 Sep 29 14:44 23802

The following is the sample content in /tmp/mapr-xcs/13194:

[admin@node95 mapr-xcs]# ls -l 13194
total 52
-rw-r--r-- 1 mapr mapr  59 Sep 29 15:49 local_clusterentry
-rw-r--r-- 1 mapr mapr  90 Sep 29 15:49 localclusterhosts_full.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mapr mapr  12 Sep 29 15:56 localclusterhosts.txt
-rw------- 1 mapr mapr 315 Sep 29 15:49 local_crosscluster_ticket
-rw-r--r-- 1 mapr mapr 299 Sep 29 15:49 local_maprserverticket_entries
drwxr-xr-x 2 mapr mapr  58 Sep 29 15:49 lpscp_clusterhosts_edir
drwxr-xr-x 2 mapr mapr  44 Sep 29 15:49 lpscp_clusterhosts_odir
drwxr-xr-x 2 mapr mapr  58 Sep 29 15:49 lpscp_server_edir
drwxr-xr-x 2 mapr mapr  44 Sep 29 15:49 lpscp_server_odir
drwxr-xr-x 2 mapr mapr  58 Sep 29 15:49 lpssh_server_edir
drwxr-xr-x 2 mapr mapr  44 Sep 29 15:49 lpssh_server_odir
-rw-r--r-- 1 mapr mapr 115 Sep 29 15:49 remote_clusterconf
-rw-r--r-- 1 mapr mapr  56 Sep 29 15:49 remote_clusterentry
-rw-r--r-- 1 mapr mapr 138 Sep 29 15:49 remoteclusterhosts_full.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 mapr mapr  12 Sep 29 15:56 remoteclusterhosts.txt
-rw------- 1 mapr mapr 320 Sep 29 15:49 remote_crosscluster_ticket
-rw------- 1 mapr mapr 914 Sep 29 15:49 remote_maprserverticket
-rw-r--r-- 1 mapr mapr 300 Sep 29 15:49 remote_maprserverticket_entries
drwxr-xr-x 2 mapr mapr  58 Sep 29 15:49 rpscp_clusterhosts_edir
drwxr-xr-x 2 mapr mapr  44 Sep 29 15:49 rpscp_clusterhosts_odir
drwxr-xr-x 2 mapr mapr  58 Sep 29 15:49 rpscp_server_edir
drwxr-xr-x 2 mapr mapr  44 Sep 29 15:49 rpscp_server_odir
drwxr-xr-x 2 mapr mapr  58 Sep 29 15:49 rpssh_server_edir
drwxr-xr-x 2 mapr mapr  44 Sep 29 15:49 rpssh_server_odir
-rw-r--r-- 1 mapr mapr   2 Sep 29 15:56 STATUS


  1. Look at /tmp/mapr-xcs/<latest>/STATUS. A non-zero value indicates an overall error.
  2. If you encounter a non-zero overall status, look at the STATUS files in each of the subdirectories.
  3. For the subdirectories reporting a non-zero status, look at the contents of the files in that subdirectory.
  4. If there is an error in updating the local cluster hosts, and you did not use the -localhosts option when running the script, also look at /tmp/mapr-xcs/<latest>/localclusterhosts.txt file.

    The /tmp/mapr-xcs/<latest>/localclusterhosts.txt file contains the list of IP addresses of the local cluster hosts, which is the first IP address of each node if there are multiple IP addresses, obtained from the following command:

    maprcli node list -cluster <local-cluster-name> -columns hostname

    Verify the contents of the file to ensure that the list of local cluster hosts is correct. The original output of the above command is in /tmp/mapr-xcs/<latest>/localclusterhosts_full.txt, and you should also check the output to ensure that the list is correct. Otherwise, fix the errors and re-run the script with the -localhosts option.

  5. If there is an error in updating the remote cluster hosts, and you did not use the -remotehosts option when running the script, you should also look at /tmp/mapr-xcs/<latest>/remoteclusterhosts.txt file.

    The /tmp/mapr-xcs/<latest>/remoteclusterhosts.txt file contains the list of IP addresses of remote cluster hosts, which is the first IP address of each node if there are multiple IP addresses, obtained from the following command:

    ssh <remoteuser>@<remote-ip> maprcli node list -cluster <remote-cluster-name> -columns hostname

    Verify the contents of the file to ensure that the list of remote cluster hosts is correct. The original output of the above command is in /tmp/mapr-xcs/<latest>/remoteclusterhosts_full.txt, and you should also check the output to ensure that the list is correct. Otherwise, fix the errors and re-run the script with the -remotehosts option.

  6. If you have an error copying to some or all of the local or remote cluster hosts, try doing an ssh to the local or remote cluster host (respectively) to ensure that it is accessible using the supplied username and password. If this fails, the copy operation in the script will also fail, since it relies on either public key authentication or username/password authentication to access the nodes. Specify the correct username and/or password and then re-run the script.

Sample Failure, Troubleshooting, and Recovery Session

Suppose the utility is run where one of the nodes in the local cluster ( has a password that is different from other local cluster nodes, causing the ssh and scp commands to this node to fail.

  1. Run the utility on the local node (

    The highlighted text below are the warning messages. The utility continues to run, despite the warnings, to update the cross-cluster configuration on as many nodes as possible:

    [admin@node95 cross-cluster]$ /opt/mapr/server/ create server -remoteip -localuser admin -remoteuser mapr
    Remote IP is
    WARNING: Strict host key checking will be disabled for this script.
    Enter password for mapr user (admin) for local cluster: 
    Enter password for mapr user (mapr) for remote cluster: 
    Local cross-cluster user unset, defaulting to local user admin
    Remote cross-cluster user unset, defaulting to remote user mapr
    Verifying connectivity to and presence of mapr-clusters.conf
    MapR credentials of user 'admin' for cluster '' are written to '/tmp/maprticket_0' secure=true node95.perf.lab:7222
    WARNING: Copying local /opt/mapr/conf/mapr-clusters.conf to all hosts in local cluster complete, but the operation failed for at least one node in the cluster.
    For details, look at the output directory /tmp/mapr-xcs/14043/lpscp_clusterhosts_odir or error directory /tmp/mapr-xcs/14043/lpscp_clusterhosts_edir.
    Configuring cross-cluster communication for server-side operations
    Generating cross-cluster ticket for user mapr on remote node
    WARNING: Changing permissions of local maprserverticket complete, but the operation failed for at least one node in the cluster.
    For details, look at the output directory /tmp/mapr-xcs/14043/lpssh_server_odir or error directory /tmp/mapr-xcs/14043/lpssh_server_edir
    WARNING: Cannot change permissions for local MapR server ticket for at least 1 node
    WARNING: Copy local maprserverticket to all hosts in local cluster complete, but the operation failed for at least one node in the cluster.
    For details, look at the output directory /tmp/mapr-xcs/14043/lpscp_server_odir or error directory /tmp/mapr-xcs/14043/lpscp_server_edir.
    WARNING: Cannot copy local MapR server ticket for at least 1 node
    Generating cross-cluster ticket for mirroring for user admin
    MapR credentials of user 'admin' for cluster '' are written to '/tmp/mapr-xcs/14043/local_crosscluster_ticket'
    An error has been encountered in configuring cross-cluster communication.
    For more information, refer to the log file at /opt/mapr/logs/crosscluster.log.
    If the error is caused by non-functioning local and remote cluster nodes, more information on the precise errors can be found in /tmp/mapr-xcs/14043. The list of local cluster hosts is in /tmp/mapr-xcs/14043/localclusterhosts.txt, and the list of remote cluster hosts is in /tmp/mapr-xcs/14043/remoteclusterhosts.txt.
    In such cases, you can normally fix the error by editing the list of local and/or remote cluster hosts file and then re-run the script using the -r option, specifying the local or remote hosts file in the -localhosts or -remotehosts option respectively.
    This script has logged in to both the local and remote clusters. Please log out of the clusters if needed.
  2. Look at the specified directory, /tmp/mapr-xcs/14043, because the utility resulted in an error.

    The overall status is 1 (indicating an error) as shown in bold below:

    $ cat /tmp/mapr-xcs/14043/STATUS
  3. Look at the STATUS files in each of the subdirectories to determine the content reporting error.

    Content has non-zero status as shown in bold below:

    [admin@node95 14043]$ find /tmp/mapr-xcs/14043 -print | grep STATUS | xargs more
    1               ← FAIL
    1               ← FAIL
    1               ← FAIL
    1               ← Overall status is FAIL
  4. Look at each of the files in the subdirectories reporting a non-zero status, for example, lpscp_clusterhosts_edir.

    The error “lost connection” for indicates that the local node could not run the scp command to that node:

    [admin@node95 14043]$ more lpscp_clusterhosts_edir/*
    lost connection
  5. Try to ssh to that node (, using the same local password used for running the utility.

    The ssh (and therefore also scp) command fails:

    [admin@node95 14043]$ ssh admin@ ls
    admin@'s password: 
    Permission denied, please try again.
    admin@'s password: 
    Received disconnect from 2: Too many authentication failures for admin
  6. Run the utility again.
    The utility detects that the previous run did not complete successfully and prompts you to run the utility with the recovery option. It also detects the directories that contain the detailed error information as shown below:
    [admin@node95 cross-cluster]$ /opt/mapr/server/ create server -remoteip -localuser admin -remoteuser mapr
    Remote IP is
    WARNING: Strict host key checking will be disabled for this script.
    The previous run of this script with ID 14043 did not complete
    successfully. Examine the error directories in /tmp/mapr-xcs/14043
    for details of the error:
    If the failure is down to partially failed nodes, you should exit now, and re-run this script in recovery mode using the -recover option to copy the configured tickets and files to the remaining nodes, instead of continuing and generating new tickets.
    Exit now? Enter y to exit, or n to continue: y
    Exiting. Re-run this script with the -recover option.
  7. Fix the error (in this example, by setting/changing the password for, and run the utility again with the -recover option to update the configuration for the previously failed operation for the local cluster node.

    To copy the configuration again to all the nodes in the local and remote clusters, run the utility without the -localhosts and -remotehosts option. To rerun the utility to update the configuration for the failed nodes only, specify the IP addresses of the failed nodes only.

    Specify at least one node in the -localhosts and -remotehosts option. You can use hostnames instead of IP addresses, as long as you ensure that DNS is working properly between the local node you are running the utility on, and the nodes you specify in the -localhosts and -remotehosts options.

    The output of the recovery session is shown below. Note that the utility returned a SUCCESS result:

    [admin@node95 cross-cluster]$ cat local
    [admin@node95 cross-cluster]$ cat remote
    [admin@node95 cross-cluster]$ /opt/mapr/server/ create server -remoteip -localuser admin -remoteuser mapr -recover latest -localhosts local -remotehosts remote
    Remote IP is
    WARNING: Strict host key checking will be disabled for this script.
    Looking for most recent log file
    Entering recovery mode. Using cross-cluster directory /tmp/mapr-xcs/14043
    Enter password for mapr user (admin) for local cluster: 
    Enter password for mapr user (mapr) for remote cluster: 
    Local cross-cluster user unset, defaulting to local user admin
    Remote cross-cluster user unset, defaulting to remote user mapr
    Verifying connectivity to and presence of mapr-clusters.conf
    MapR credentials of user 'admin' for cluster '' are written to '/tmp/maprticket_0'
    Recovery option, using configured remote mapr-clusters.conf in /tmp/mapr-xcs/14043/remote_clusterconf
    Recovery option, using configured local mapr-clusters.conf in /opt/mapr/conf/mapr-clusters.conf
    Configuring cross-cluster communication for server-side operations
    Recovery option, using configured local maprserverticket in /opt/mapr/conf/maprserverticket
    Recovery option, using configured remote maprserverticket in /tmp/mapr-xcs/14043/remote_maprserverticket
    This script has logged in to both the local and remote clusters. Please log out of the clusters if needed.

Multiple Runs of the Utility

When running the utility with the all or user argument, you may see the following error if you run the utility multiple times:

keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Certificate not imported, alias <> already exists
ERROR: Unable to import remote cluster certificate from /tmp/mapr-xcs/17056/remote_mapcert into local SSL trust store
Please delete the certificate with the same alias from the truststore first

Certificates with the same alias should be imported to the trust store only once. If you are able to run commands like maprcli volume mount on the remote cluster from the local cluster, you can ignore this error. If you really want to re-import the remote cluster certificate into the trust store, contact HPE support.

Also, note that when you run the utility multiple times, there are at least 2 entries with the same alias in /opt/mapr/conf/maprserverticket file. The utility generates a new cross-cluster ticket (useful for volume mirroring and table and streams replication) every time it is run, and does not delete any tickets in /opt/mapr/conf/maprserverticket file. Service tickets have a long lifetime, so this can be ignored if you are able to successfully perform volume mirroring, and table and streams replication operations. However, if you want to clean up the tickets, you can do the following:

  1. Delete all the tickets with the remote cluster alias in the /opt/mapr/conf/maprserverticket file on the local node.
  2. Delete all the tickets with the local cluster alias in the /opt/mapr/conf/maprserverticket file on the remote node referenced in the -remoteip parameter.
  3. Re-run the utility with the server argument to set up the service tickets again.