cldbguts acr

The acr option displays active container requests (ACR).


/opt/mapr/bin/cldbguts acr

Output Fields

Field Description
nr Number of ACRs completed in the previous 1 second. The first entry displays the total number of ACRs completed since the start of the CLDB service on the node.
pt Processing time (in milliseconds) for the ACRs completed in the previous 1 second. The first entry displays the total time (in milliseconds) spent processing the ACRs since the start of the CLDB service on the node.
to Number of ACRs that took longer than expected in the previous 1 second. The first entry displays the total number of ACRs that took longer than expected since start of the CLDB service on the node.
d Number of duplicate ACRs received in the previous 1 second.The first entry displays the total number of duplicate ACRs since start of the CLDB service on the node.
dp Number of duplicate ACRs that required additional work in the previous 1 second. The first entry displays the total number of duplicate ACRs that required additional work since start of the CLDB service on the node.

Example Output

# /opt/mapr/bin/cldbguts acr
2017-09-01 15:15:25,034
    nr      pt   to  d  dp  
  269644  63338   0  0   0  
     1      0     0  0   0  
     0      0     0  0   0