mc cat
Displays the contents of an object.
mc cat [FLAGS] SOURCE [SOURCE...] FLAGS: --version-id value, --vid value display a specific version of an object --json enable JSON lines formatted output --debug enable debug output --insecure disable SSL certificate verification --help, -h show help
Parameter | Description |
The alias of a configured HPE Ezmeral Object Store deployment from which the command reads objects. This parameter is mandatory. |
version-id |
The object version to display. |
json |
Enable JSON formatted output. |
debug |
Enable output for debugging. |
insecure |
Disable SSL verification. |
help |
Show this help. |
- Stream an object kubectl-pres.mp4 present in a bucket named cloudarch
in the Object Store deployment with alias firebrick to mplayer standard input. :
/opt/mapr/bin/mc cat firebrick/cloudarch/kubectl-pres.mp4 | mplayer -
- Display the contents of an object secret.csv with version ID
3ddac055-89a7-40fa-8cd3-530a5581b6b8 that is present in a bucket named
northamerica in the Object Store deployment with alias salesobject:
/opt/mapr/bin/mc cat --version-id="3ddac055-89a7-40fa-8cd3-530a5581b6b8" salesobject/northamerica/secret.csv
- Concatenate files eng1.img, eng2.img, amd eng3.img, and save
the concatenated file as complete.img on a bucket named northamerica in
the Object Store deployment with alias salesobject:
/opt/mapr/bin/mc cat eng*.img > salesobject/northamerica/complete.img