mrconfig info nfsthreads

The mrconfig info nfsthreads command displays information about in-progress NFS operations.


/opt/mapr/server/mrconfig [-h <host>] [-p <port>] info nfsthreads





host IP address; default


The NFS port; default 2049


The output shows the NFS operations currently running (in progress) including the IP address of the client and the type of operation. For example:

# /opt/mapr/server/mrconfig info nfsthreads
NFS Threads in progress = 15
Client IP:, Op Type: NFSPROC3_WRITE 
Client IP:, Op Type: NFSPROC3_WRITE 
Client IP:, Op Type: NFSPROC3_WRITE 
Client IP:, Op Type: NFSPROC3_WRITE 
Client IP:, Op Type: NFSPROC3_WRITE 
Client IP:, Op Type: NFSPROC3_WRITE 
Client IP:, Op Type: NFSPROC3_WRITE 
Client IP:, Op Type: NFSPROC3_WRITE 
Client IP:, Op Type: NFSPROC3_WRITE 
Client IP:, Op Type: NFSPROC3_WRITE 
Client IP:, Op Type: NFSPROC3_WRITE 
Client IP:, Op Type: NFSPROC3_WRITE 
Client IP:, Op Type: NFSPROC3_WRITE 
Client IP:, Op Type: NFSPROC3_WRITE 
Client IP:, Op Type: NFSPROC3_WRITE


Display information about the NFS processes currently running:

/opt/mapr/server/mrconfig info nfsthreads

Display information about NFS operations in-progress on a remote node with an IP address of xx.xx.xx.xx:

/opt/mapr/server/mrconfig -h xx.xx.xx.xx info nfsthreads