This site contains documentation for HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric release 7.9.0, including installation, configuration, administration, and reference content, as well as content for the associated ecosystem components and drivers.
This section contains information about installing HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric software. It also contains information about how to migrate data and applications from an Apache Hadoop cluster to a HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric cluster.
HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric is the industry-leading data platform for AI and analytics that solves enterprise business needs.
HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric File Store is a distributed file system for data storage, data management, and data protection. File Store supports mounting and cluster access via NFS and FUSE-based POSIX clients (basic, platinum, or PACC) and also supports access and management via HDFS APIs.
The HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Object Store is a native object storage solution that efficiently stores objects and metadata for optimized access.
HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database is an enterprise-grade, high-performance, NoSQL database management system that you can use for real-time, operational analytics.
HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Streams brings integrated publish and subscribe messaging to the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric.
Describes the HPE Ezmeral Unified Analytics Software and provides a link to more information.
This section describes the Kubernetes Interfaces for Data Fabric, which include the Container Storage Interface (CSI) driver for multiple container-orchestration systems, and the FlexVolume driver for Kubernetes.
Provides a synopsis of the various cluster components and their management.
Describes how to tune system performance, manage RDMA, and optimize CLDB tables.
Provides an overview of the Data Fabric security features.
Describes types of authentication available with the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric and how to manage user authentication with the maprlogin utility.
Describes the basics of authorization including Access Control Lists and Access Control Expressions.
Describes encryption types available on the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric.
Provides an overview of how to prevent certain types of files from being stored on certain volumes.
Describes impersonation in Data Fabric, which allows centralized control of access to resources in the file system, HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database, and HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Streams.
Data Fabric allows you to log audit records of cluster-administration operations, and operations on directories, files, streams and tables.
Starting in core version 6.2.0 (EEP 7.0.0), HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric supports Policy-Based Security, a feature that administrators can use to classify security controls into a manageable number of security policies.
Describes how the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric complies with Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140-2 Level 1.
Describes the Dynamic Data Masking feature that allows you to mask sensitive information when retrieving data.
Describes the External KMIP Keystore functionality.
Describes how KMIP Keystores work.
Lists the KMIP operations that HSM should support, to use the external KMIP keystore.
Lists the KMIP attributes supported by the data-fabric KMIP client library.
Lists the KMIP versions supported by the key management vendors.
Describes the rekey process for CLDB and DARE keys.
Describes how to set up the an external KMIP keystore and how to enable integration with existing Data Fabric.
This section discusses the mrhsm commands.
Dumps the contents of the PKCS#11 KMIP token.
Enables external KMIP keystore support.
Retrieves the contents of the CA and client certificates, and puts them in a file.
Displays HSM configuration information.
Creates the KMIP token and initializes the KMIP configuration for first use.
Rekeys the common or core Key Encryption Keys (KEK).
Removes specified components of the KMIP configuration.
Sets KMIP parameters.
Changes the security officer PIN (SO PIN).
The Security Officer PIN (SO PIN) is a string of at least four characters that the cluster administrator must supply to perform certain operations that modify the PKCS#11 file or KMIP store.
This section contains the data-fabric integrations guides with external vendors for KMIP.
Answers the frequently asked questions on disaster recovery for KMIP.
Whether you install Data Fabric software by using the Installer or by using manual steps, the platform and its ecosystem components are installed with security ON by default.
Lists the security settings for all HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric ecosystem components.
"Secure by default" means network-safe authentication and encryption. This page describes areas in which secure-by-default capabilities are not yet implemented for the Data Fabric platform or ecosystem components. Included where applicable, are links to more information to help you work around those issues.
The following sections describe how a client connects to local and remote data-fabric clusters.
This section describes how to manage the nodes and services that make up a cluster.
This section contains information related to application development for Ezmeral ecosystem components and HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric products, including the file system, Database (Key-Value and JSON), and Event Streams.
This section contains release-independent information, including: Installer documentation, Ecosystem release notes, interoperability matrices, security vulnerabilities, and links to other data-fabric version documentation.
Definitions for commonly used terms in MapR Converged Data Platform environments.