
Set permissions with access control expressions on a Data Fabric Database table, column family, or column qualifier.

Set permissions with Access Control Expression (ACE) on a HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database table, column family, or column qualifier.


To set the permission on a table:

set_perm "<table path>", "<permission>", "<ACE expression>"

To set the permission on a column family or column qualifier:

set_perm "<table path>", {COLUMN => "column family[:qualifier]", PERM =>
          "<permission>", EXPR => "<ACE expression>"}


Assigns user jon and user mapr04 the defaultreadperm permission on table /table:

hbase(main):004:0> set_perm "/table/","defaultreadperm","u:jon|u:mapr04"

Assigns user jon and user mapr05 the compressionperm permission on the cf1 column family in table /table:

hbase(main):005:0> set_perm "/table/",{COLUMN => "cf1",PERM => "compressionperm", EXPR =>"u:jon|u:mapr05"}

Assigns user jon and user mapr05 the writeperm permission on the col1 column qualifier in cf1 column family in table /table:

hbase(main):009:0> set_perm "/table/",{COLUMN => "cf1:col1",PERM => "writeperm", EXPR =>"u:jon|u:mapr05"}