Manual Rolling Upgrade Procedure
Describes how to upgrade each node manually to the latest version of Data Fabric packages.
This procedure assumes that the cluster being upgraded is running release 6.1.x, 6.2.0, 7.0.0, 7.1.0, 7.2.0, 7.3.0, 7.4.0, 7.5.0, 7.6.x, 7.7.0, or 7.8.0. The procedure also assumes that the cluster to be upgraded is secure. Non-secure clusters must be secured before they can be upgraded. See Securing the Cluster Before Upgrading.
Download the archive file from access the Data Fabric Internet repository, you must specify the email and token of an HPE Passport account. For more information, see Using the HPE Ezmeral Token-Authenticated Internet Repository.
Extract the archive file. When you upgrade each package, be sure to specify the full path to the files in this local directory:
tar -xzvf <archive file>
Stop the CLDB if it is running on the node before putting that node into maintenance mode. Otherwise, the maintenance mode operation is not permitted:
maprcli node services -name cldb -action stop -nodes <hostname>
Set the node to maintenance mode:
sudo maprcli node maintenance -nodes <hostname> -timeoutminutes 30
Notify the CLDB that the node is going to be upgraded:
sudo maprcli notifyupgrade start -node <hostname>
Stop Warden:
sudo service mapr-warden stop
If ZooKeeper is installed on the node, stop ZooKeeper:
service mapr-zookeeper stop
- Check to ensure that all services are stopped:
jps 46343 Jps 3607 -- process information unavailable (Nothing running here)
- Use the following command to view the Java alternatives menu, and set Java to
JDK 11 or
sudo update-alternatives --config java
Remove any patches installed on the node.
- RHEL, Rocky, or SLES:
sudo rpm -e mapr-patch
- Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get -y remove mapr-patch
- RHEL, Rocky, or SLES:
Upgrade each data-fabric package on the node based on the defined package upgrade order by running this command for each package:
yum upgrade <packagename>
- Ubuntu:
apt-get install --only-upgrade -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" mapr-fileserver mapr-core mapr-cldb
NOTEDuring the upgrade process on Ubuntu, the system displays dpkg warnings about overwriting. You can ignore these warnings.
- Verify that the following packages are removed (these packages are obsolete in
release 6.2 and later):
- Remove
if it is present - Remove
if you are upgrading a fileserver node that does not have the ResourceManager, NodeManager, or History Server. On such a node, onlymapr-hadoop-util
is needed after upgrading.
- Remove
- Ensure that every node has the following files in the
If ZooKeeper is installed on the node, start ZooKeeper:
service mapr-zookeeper start
Start Warden:
sudo service mapr-warden start
Check that the CLDB is running:
If output is displayed, the CLDB is running. If not, start the CLDB.maprcli node list
Exit maintenance mode on the node and notify the CLDB about the upgraded version and the finished status of the upgrade process:
sudo maprcli node maintenance -nodes <hostname> -timeoutminutes 0 sudo maprcli config save -values {mapr.targetversion:"`cat /opt/mapr/MapRBuildVersion`"} sudo maprcli notifyupgrade finish -node <hostname>
- Start ZooKeeper and Warden:
service mapr-zookeeper start sudo service mapr-warden start
- Wait for the containers to synchronize. Then run the following command and check
that there is no output:
/opt/mapr/server/mrconfig info containers resync local
No output signifies that the containers are synchronized.