Class AdminClient

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class AdminClient
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements java.lang.AutoCloseable
    The administrative client for Kafka, which supports managing and inspecting topics, brokers, configurations and ACLs. The minimum broker version required is Methods with stricter requirements will specify the minimum broker version required. This client was introduced in and the API is still evolving. We will try to evolve the API in a compatible manner, but we reserve the right to make breaking changes in minor releases, if necessary. We will update the InterfaceStability annotation and this notice once the API is considered stable.
    • Constructor Detail

      • AdminClient

        public AdminClient()
    • Method Detail

      • create

        public static AdminClient create​(java.util.Properties props)
        Create a new AdminClient with the given configuration.
        props - The configuration.
        The new KafkaAdminClient.
      • create

        public static AdminClient create​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> conf)
        Create a new AdminClient with the given configuration.
        conf - The configuration.
        The new KafkaAdminClient.
      • close

        public void close()
        Close the AdminClient and release all associated resources. See close(long, TimeUnit)
        Specified by:
        close in interface java.lang.AutoCloseable
      • close

        public abstract void close​(long duration,
                                   java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
        Close the AdminClient and release all associated resources. The close operation has a grace period during which current operations will be allowed to complete, specified by the given duration and time unit. New operations will not be accepted during the grace period. Once the grace period is over, all operations that have not yet been completed will be aborted with a TimeoutException.
        duration - The duration to use for the wait time.
        unit - The time unit to use for the wait time.
      • createTopics

        public CreateTopicsResult createTopics​(java.util.Collection<NewTopic> newTopics)
        Create a batch of new topics with the default options. This is a convenience method for #createTopics(Collection, CreateTopicsOptions) with default options. See the overload for more details. This operation is supported by brokers with version or higher.
        newTopics - The new topics to create.
        The CreateTopicsResult.
      • createTopics

        public abstract CreateTopicsResult createTopics​(java.util.Collection<NewTopic> newTopics,
                                                        CreateTopicsOptions options)
        Create a batch of new topics. This operation is not transactional so it may succeed for some topics while fail for others. It may take several seconds after CreateTopicsResult returns success for all the brokers to become aware that the topics have been created. During this time, listTopics() and describeTopics(Collection) may not return information about the new topics. This operation is supported by brokers with version or higher. The validateOnly option is supported from version
        newTopics - The new topics to create.
        options - The options to use when creating the new topics.
        The CreateTopicsResult.
      • deleteTopics

        public DeleteTopicsResult deleteTopics​(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> topics)
        This is a convenience method for #deleteTopics(Collection, DeleteTopicsOptions) with default options. See the overload for more details. This operation is supported by brokers with version or higher.
        topics - The topic names to delete.
        The DeleteTopicsResult.
      • deleteTopics

        public abstract DeleteTopicsResult deleteTopics​(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> topics,
                                                        DeleteTopicsOptions options)
        Delete a batch of topics. This operation is not transactional so it may succeed for some topics while fail for others. It may take several seconds after the DeleteTopicsResult returns success for all the brokers to become aware that the topics are gone. During this time, AdminClient#listTopics and AdminClient#describeTopics may continue to return information about the deleted topics. If delete.topic.enable is false on the brokers, deleteTopics will mark the topics for deletion, but not actually delete them. The futures will return successfully in this case. This operation is supported by brokers with version or higher.
        topics - The topic names to delete.
        options - The options to use when deleting the topics.
        The DeleteTopicsResult.
      • listTopics

        public ListTopicsResult listTopics()
        List the topics available in the default stream with the default options. This is a convenience method for #listTopics(ListTopicsOptions) with default options. See the overload for more details.
        The ListTopicsResult.
      • listTopics

        public abstract ListTopicsResult listTopics​(ListTopicsOptions options)
        List the topics available in the default stream.
        options - The options to use when listing the topics.
        The ListTopicsResult.
      • listTopics

        public ListTopicsResult listTopics​(java.lang.String streamPath)
        List the topics available in the specified stream with the default options. This is a convenience method for #listTopics(ListTopicsOptions) with default options. See the overload for more details.
        streamPath - The name of the stream for which the topics should be listed
        The ListTopicsResult.
      • listTopics

        public abstract ListTopicsResult listTopics​(java.lang.String streamPath,
                                                    ListTopicsOptions options)
        List the topics available in the specified stream.
        streamPath - The name of the stream for which the topics should be listed
        options - The options to use when listing the topics.
        The ListTopicsResult.
      • describeTopics

        public DescribeTopicsResult describeTopics​(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> topicNames)
        Describe some topics in the cluster, with the default options. This is a convenience method for #describeTopics(Collection, DescribeTopicsOptions) with default options. See the overload for more details.
        topicNames - The names of the topics to describe.
        The DescribeTopicsResult.
      • describeTopics

        public abstract DescribeTopicsResult describeTopics​(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> topicNames,
                                                            DescribeTopicsOptions options)
        Describe some topics in the cluster.
        topicNames - The names of the topics to describe.
        options - The options to use when describing the topic.
        The DescribeTopicsResult.
      • describeCluster

        public DescribeClusterResult describeCluster()
        Get information about the nodes in the cluster, using the default options. This is a convenience method for #describeCluster(DescribeClusterOptions) with default options. See the overload for more details.
        The DescribeClusterResult.
      • describeCluster

        public abstract DescribeClusterResult describeCluster​(DescribeClusterOptions options)
        Get information about the nodes in the cluster.
        options - The options to use when getting information about the cluster.
        The DescribeClusterResult.
      • describeAcls

        public abstract DescribeAclsResult describeAcls​(AclBindingFilter filter,
                                                        DescribeAclsOptions options)
        This API is not supported. Lists access control lists (ACLs) according to the supplied filter. Note: it may take some time for changes made by createAcls or deleteAcls to be reflected in the output of describeAcls. This operation is supported by brokers with version or higher.
        filter - The filter to use.
        options - The options to use when listing the ACLs.
        The DeleteAclsResult.
      • createAcls

        public CreateAclsResult createAcls​(java.util.Collection<AclBinding> acls)
        This API is not supported. This is a convenience method for #createAcls(Collection, CreateAclsOptions) with default options. See the overload for more details. This operation is supported by brokers with version or higher.
        acls - The ACLs to create
        The CreateAclsResult.
      • createAcls

        public abstract CreateAclsResult createAcls​(java.util.Collection<AclBinding> acls,
                                                    CreateAclsOptions options)
        This API is not supported. Creates access control lists (ACLs) which are bound to specific resources. This operation is not transactional so it may succeed for some ACLs while fail for others. If you attempt to add an ACL that duplicates an existing ACL, no error will be raised, but no changes will be made. This operation is supported by brokers with version or higher.
        acls - The ACLs to create
        options - The options to use when creating the ACLs.
        The CreateAclsResult.
      • deleteAcls

        public DeleteAclsResult deleteAcls​(java.util.Collection<AclBindingFilter> filters)
        This API is not supported. This is a convenience method for #deleteAcls(Collection, DeleteAclsOptions) with default options. See the overload for more details. This operation is supported by brokers with version or higher.
        filters - The filters to use.
        The DeleteAclsResult.
      • deleteAcls

        public abstract DeleteAclsResult deleteAcls​(java.util.Collection<AclBindingFilter> filters,
                                                    DeleteAclsOptions options)
        This API is not supported. Deletes access control lists (ACLs) according to the supplied filters. This operation is not transactional so it may succeed for some ACLs while fail for others. This operation is supported by brokers with version or higher.
        filters - The filters to use.
        options - The options to use when deleting the ACLs.
        The DeleteAclsResult.
      • describeConfigs

        public DescribeConfigsResult describeConfigs​(java.util.Collection<ConfigResource> resources)
        This API is not supported. Get the configuration for the specified resources with the default options. This is a convenience method for #describeConfigs(Collection, DescribeConfigsOptions) with default options. See the overload for more details. This operation is supported by brokers with version or higher.
        resources - The resources (topic and broker resource types are currently supported)
        The DescribeConfigsResult
      • describeConfigs

        public abstract DescribeConfigsResult describeConfigs​(java.util.Collection<ConfigResource> resources,
                                                              DescribeConfigsOptions options)
        This API is not supported. Get the configuration for the specified resources. The returned configuration includes default values and the isDefault() method can be used to distinguish them from user supplied values. The value of config entries where isSensitive() is true is always null so that sensitive information is not disclosed. Config entries where isReadOnly() is true cannot be updated. This operation is supported by brokers with version or higher.
        resources - The resources (topic and broker resource types are currently supported)
        options - The options to use when describing configs
        The DescribeConfigsResult
      • alterConfigs

        public AlterConfigsResult alterConfigs​(java.util.Map<ConfigResource,​Config> configs)
        This API is not supported. Update the configuration for the specified resources with the default options. This is a convenience method for #alterConfigs(Map, AlterConfigsOptions) with default options. See the overload for more details. This operation is supported by brokers with version or higher.
        configs - The resources with their configs (topic is the only resource type with configs that can be updated currently)
        The AlterConfigsResult
      • alterConfigs

        public abstract AlterConfigsResult alterConfigs​(java.util.Map<ConfigResource,​Config> configs,
                                                        AlterConfigsOptions options)
        This API is not supported. Update the configuration for the specified resources with the default options. Updates are not transactional so they may succeed for some resources while fail for others. The configs for a particular resource are updated atomically. This operation is supported by brokers with version or higher.
        configs - The resources with their configs (topic is the only resource type with configs that can be updated currently)
        options - The options to use when describing configs
        The AlterConfigsResult
      • alterReplicaLogDirs

        public AlterReplicaLogDirsResult alterReplicaLogDirs​(java.util.Map<TopicPartitionReplica,​java.lang.String> replicaAssignment)
        This API is not supported. Change the log directory for the specified replicas. This API is currently only useful if it is used before the replica has been created on the broker. It will support moving replicas that have already been created after KIP-113 is fully implemented. This is a convenience method for #alterReplicaLogDirs(Map, AlterReplicaLogDirsOptions) with default options. See the overload for more details. This operation is supported by brokers with version 1.0.0 or higher.
        replicaAssignment - The replicas with their log directory absolute path
        The AlterReplicaLogDirsResult
      • alterReplicaLogDirs

        public abstract AlterReplicaLogDirsResult alterReplicaLogDirs​(java.util.Map<TopicPartitionReplica,​java.lang.String> replicaAssignment,
                                                                      AlterReplicaLogDirsOptions options)
        This API is not supported. Change the log directory for the specified replicas. This API is currently only useful if it is used before the replica has been created on the broker. It will support moving replicas that have already been created after KIP-113 is fully implemented. This operation is not transactional so it may succeed for some replicas while fail for others. This operation is supported by brokers with version 1.0.0 or higher.
        replicaAssignment - The replicas with their log directory absolute path
        options - The options to use when changing replica dir
        The AlterReplicaLogDirsResult
      • describeLogDirs

        public DescribeLogDirsResult describeLogDirs​(java.util.Collection<java.lang.Integer> brokers)
        This API is not supported. Query the information of all log directories on the given set of brokers This is a convenience method for #describeLogDirs(Collection, DescribeLogDirsOptions) with default options. See the overload for more details. This operation is supported by brokers with version 1.0.0 or higher.
        brokers - A list of brokers
        The DescribeLogDirsResult
      • describeLogDirs

        public abstract DescribeLogDirsResult describeLogDirs​(java.util.Collection<java.lang.Integer> brokers,
                                                              DescribeLogDirsOptions options)
        This API is not supported. Query the information of all log directories on the given set of brokers This operation is supported by brokers with version 1.0.0 or higher.
        brokers - A list of brokers
        options - The options to use when querying log dir info
        The DescribeLogDirsResult
      • describeReplicaLogDirs

        public abstract DescribeReplicaLogDirsResult describeReplicaLogDirs​(java.util.Collection<TopicPartitionReplica> replicas,
                                                                            DescribeReplicaLogDirsOptions options)
        This API is not supported. Query the replica log directory information for the specified replicas. This operation is supported by brokers with version 1.0.0 or higher.
        replicas - The replicas to query
        options - The options to use when querying replica log dir info
        The DescribeReplicaLogDirsResult
      • createPartitions

        public CreatePartitionsResult createPartitions​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​NewPartitions> newPartitions)

        Increase the number of partitions of the topics given as the keys of newPartitions according to the corresponding values. If partitions are increased for a topic that has a key, the partition logic or ordering of the messages will be affected.

        This is a convenience method for createPartitions(Map, CreatePartitionsOptions) with default options. See the overload for more details.

        newPartitions - The topics which should have new partitions created, and corresponding parameters for the created partitions.
        The CreatePartitionsResult.
      • createPartitions

        public abstract CreatePartitionsResult createPartitions​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​NewPartitions> newPartitions,
                                                                CreatePartitionsOptions options)

        Increase the number of partitions of the topics given as the keys of newPartitions according to the corresponding values. If partitions are increased for a topic that has a key, the partition logic or ordering of the messages will be affected.

        This operation is not transactional so it may succeed for some topics while fail for others.

        It may take several seconds after this method returns success for all the brokers to become aware that the partitions have been created. During this time, describeTopics(Collection) may not return information about the new partitions.

        This operation is supported by brokers with version 1.0.0 or higher.

        The following exceptions can be anticipated when calling get() on the futures obtained from the values() method of the returned CreatePartitionsResult

        newPartitions - The topics which should have new partitions created, and corresponding parameters for the created partitions.
        options - The options to use when creating the new paritions.
        The CreatePartitionsResult.
      • deleteRecords

        public DeleteRecordsResult deleteRecords​(java.util.Map<TopicPartition,​RecordsToDelete> recordsToDelete)
        This API is not supported. Delete records whose offset is smaller than the given offset of the corresponding partition. This is a convenience method for deleteRecords(Map, DeleteRecordsOptions) with default options. See the overload for more details. This operation is supported by brokers with version or higher.
        recordsToDelete - The topic partitions and related offsets from which records deletion starts.
        The DeleteRecordsResult.
      • deleteRecords

        public abstract DeleteRecordsResult deleteRecords​(java.util.Map<TopicPartition,​RecordsToDelete> recordsToDelete,
                                                          DeleteRecordsOptions options)
        This API is not supported. Delete records whose offset is smaller than the given offset of the corresponding partition. This operation is supported by brokers with version or higher.
        recordsToDelete - The topic partitions and related offsets from which records deletion starts.
        options - The options to use when deleting records.
        The DeleteRecordsResult.
      • describeConsumerGroups

        public abstract DescribeConsumerGroupsResult describeConsumerGroups​(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> groupIds,
                                                                            DescribeConsumerGroupsOptions options)
        Describe some group IDs in the cluster.
        groupIds - The IDs of the groups to describe.
        options - The options to use when describing the groups.
        The DescribeConsumerGroupResult.
      • listConsumerGroups

        public abstract ListConsumerGroupsResult listConsumerGroups​(ListConsumerGroupsOptions options)
        List the consumer groups available in the cluster.
        options - The options to use when listing the consumer groups.
        The ListGroupsResult.
      • listConsumerGroupOffsets

        public abstract ListConsumerGroupOffsetsResult listConsumerGroupOffsets​(java.lang.String groupId,
                                                                                ListConsumerGroupOffsetsOptions options)
        List the consumer group offsets available in the cluster.
        options - The options to use when listing the consumer group offsets.
        The ListGroupOffsetsResult
      • deleteConsumerGroups

        public abstract DeleteConsumerGroupsResult deleteConsumerGroups​(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> groupIds,
                                                                        DeleteConsumerGroupsOptions options)
        Delete consumer groups from the cluster.
        options - The options to use when deleting a consumer group.
        The DeletConsumerGroupResult.
      • deleteConsumerGroups

        public DeleteConsumerGroupsResult deleteConsumerGroups​(java.util.Collection<java.lang.String> groupIds)
        Delete consumer groups from the cluster with the default options.
        The DeleteConsumerGroupResult.
      • metrics

        public abstract java.util.Map<MetricName,​? extends Metric> metrics()
        Get the metrics kept by the adminClient