alarm list

Lists alarms in the system. Permissions required: login.

You can list all alarms, alarms by type (Cluster, Node or Volume), or alarms on a particular node or volume. To retrieve a count of all alarm types, pass 1 in the summary parameter. You can specify the alarms to return by filtering on type and entity. Use start and limit to retrieve only a specified window of data.


maprcli alarm list
    [ -alarm alarm name ]
    [ -all list all raised alarms including the ones which are muted Parameter takes no value  ]
    [ -cluster cluster_name ]
    [ -entity entity (hostname OR volume name OR Ae name) ]
   [ -entitylimit entitylimit ]
    [ -filter none. default: none ]
   [ -from alarms raised after time(in millis) ]
   [ -getcount Send count of currently raised alarms Parameter takes no value  ] 
    [ -history list cleared up alarms only Parameter takes no value  ]
    [ -limit limit. default: 2147483647 ]
    [ -muted list alarms configured to be mute Parameter takes no value  ]
    [ -output output. default: verbose ]
    [ -sortby <alarmname|alarmdescription|alarmtype|alarmstate|alarmraised|alarmcleared|alarmentity|alarmmutetime|alarmmuteupto|alarmmuteduration|alarmgroups> ]
   [ -sortorder <asc|desc> ]
    [ -start start. default: 0 ]
    [ -summary summary ]
   [ -till alarms raised before time(in millis) ]   
    [ -type type (CLUSTER OR NODE OR VOLUME OR AE) ]
Request Type GET
Request URL




alarm (Optional) The alarm name for which to return information. The default is to list all alarms.
all The list of all raised and muted alarms. This is the default.
cluster (Optional) The cluster on which to list alarms. The default is the cluster on which the command is run.
entity (Optional) The name of the cluster, node, volume, user, or group to check for alarms. The default is the anme of the cluster on which the command is run.
entitylimit (Optional) The number of alarm occurrences to return per alarm type. For example, if there are 10 alarms of type VOLUME_ALARM_COMPACTION_FAILURE and the entity limit is set to 4, then only the four latest alarm occurrences of type VOLUME_ALARM_COMPACTION_FAILURE are listed.
filter (Optional) A filter specifying alarms to list. See Filters for more information. Default: none
from (Optional) The list of alarms raised after a moment in time (specified in ms). Use from in conjunction with till to list alarms that have been raised within the specified period.
getcount (Optional) The count of all alarms raised at the moment in time when you invoke this command.
history (Optional) The list of all alarms cleared in the last 30 days. Muted alarms are not displayed in the output.
limit (Optional) The number of records to retrieve. Default: 2147483647
muted (Optional) The list of alarms that are muted.
output (Optional0 Indicates whether the output should be terse or verbose. Default: verbose
sortby (Optional) Specifies one of the following attributes by which to sort the list of alarms: alarmname, alarmdescripton, alarmtype, alarmstate, alarmraised, alarmcleared, alarmentity, alarmmutetime, alarmmuteupto, alarmmuteduration, alarmgroups. By default, the list of alarms is sorted by alarmtype.
sortorder (Optional) Sorts the output in either ascending or descending order.
start (Optional) The list offset at which to start. Default: 0
summary (Optional) Specifies the type of data to return:
  • 1 = count by alarm type
  • 0 = List of alarms
Default: false (0)
till (Optional) The list of alarms raised before a moment in time (specified in ms). Use till in conjunction with from to list alarms that have been raised within the specified period.
type The entity type:
  • cluster
  • node
  • volume
  • ae

All alarm types are listed by default, if you do not specify this parameter.


Information about one or more named alarms on the cluster, or for a specified node, volume, user, or group.

Output Fields



alarm state

State of the alarm:

  • 0 = Clear
  • 1 = Raised


A description of the condition that raised the alarm.


The name of the volume, node, user, or group.

alarm name

The name of the alarm.

alarm statechange time

The date and time when the alarm was most recently raised.

Sample Output

alarm state  description                                                              entity                               alarm name                          alarm statechange time
1            Volume desired replication is 1, current replication is 0          VOLUME_ALARM_DATA_UNDER_REPLICATED  1296707707872
1            Volume data unavailable                                            VOLUME_ALARM_DATA_UNAVAILABLE       1296707707871
1            Volume desired replication is 1, current replication is 0        VOLUME_ALARM_DATA_UNDER_REPLICATED  1296708283355
1            Volume data unavailable                                          VOLUME_ALARM_DATA_UNAVAILABLE       1296708283099
1            Volume desired replication is 1, current replication is 0          VOLUME_ALARM_DATA_UNDER_REPLICATED  1296706343256


For REST examples stated below, use the appropriate SSL-related command line option in the following curl command, according to your SSL setup.

List a summary of all alarms

maprcli alarm list -summary 1
curl -X GET -u <username>
{"timestamp":1668751802813,"timeofday":"2022-11-18 06:10:02.813 GMT+0000 AM","status":"OK","total":5,"data":[{"alarm name":"CLUSTER_ALARM_LICENSE_NEAR_EXPIRATION","alarm state":"1","alarm statechange time":1668715763456,"description":"One or more licenses is about to expire within -8 days","group name":""},{"alarm name":"VOLUME_ALARM_DATA_UNDER_REPLICATED","alarm state":"1","alarm statechange time":1668188441422,"description":"Raised on 21 volume(s)","group name":""},{"alarm name":"CLUSTER_ALARM_SMTP_UPDATE_PASSWORD","alarm state":"1","alarm statechange time":1668187482376,"description":"SMTP services are disabled till SMTP password is reset from upgraded node.","group name":""},{"alarm name":"NODE_ALARM_SERVICE_SPARK-THRIFTSERVER_DOWN","alarm state":"1","alarm statechange time":1668751322770,"description":"Raised on 1 node(s)","group name":""},{"alarm name":"NODE_ALARM_SERVICE_RESOURCEMANAGER_DOWN","alarm state":"1","alarm statechange time":1668751599760,"description":"Raised on 1 node(s)","group name":""}]}

List cluster alarms

maprcli alarm list -type cluster 
curl -X GET -u <username>
{"timestamp":1668750372245,"timeofday":"2022-11-18 05:46:12.245 GMT+0000 AM","status":"OK","total":2,"data":[{"entity":"cluster.doc.ubuntu20","alarm name":"CLUSTER_ALARM_SMTP_UPDATE_PASSWORD","alarm state":"1","alarm statechange time":1668187482376,"description":"SMTP services are disabled till SMTP password is reset from upgraded node.","group name":""},{"entity":"cluster.doc.ubuntu20","alarm name":"CLUSTER_ALARM_LICENSE_NEAR_EXPIRATION","alarm state":"1","alarm statechange time":1668715763456,"description":"One or more licenses is about to expire within -8 days","group name":""{"timestamp":1668750864899,"timeofday":"2022-11-18 05:54:24.899 GMT+0000 AM","status":"OK","total":2,"data":[{"entity":"cluster.doc.ubuntu20","alarm name":"CLUSTER_ALARM_SMTP_UPDATE_PASSWORD","alarm state":"1","alarm statechange time":1668187482376,"description":"SMTP services are disabled till SMTP password is reset from upgraded node.","group name":""},{"entity":"cluster.doc.ubuntu20","alarm name":"CLUSTER_ALARM_LICENSE_NEAR_EXPIRATION","alarm state":"1","alarm statechange time":1668715763456,"description":"One or more licenses is about to expire within -8 days","group name":""}]}

List all muted alarms

# maprcli alarm list -muted
mute duration muted time    mute upto     entity  alarm name
15 mins       1495702964190 1495703864190 CLUSTER CLUSTER_ALARM_LICENSE_NEAR_EXPIRATION
15 mins       1495702964192 1495703864192 vol3    VOLUME_ALARM_DATA_UNDER_REPLICATED
10 mins       1495702899201 1495703499201 vol2    VOLUME_ALARM_DATA_UNDER_REPLICATED
15 mins       1495702964188 1495703864188 vol1    VOLUME_ALARM_DATA_UNDER_REPLICATED
curl -X GET -u <username>
{"timestamp":1668751520474,"timeofday":"2022-11-18 06:05:20.474 GMT+0000 AM","status":"OK","total":0,"data":[]}