Installing Clients on a Linux Host

Describes how to install the client on a Linux host.

Basic Steps for Client Installation

To install the Data Fabric client software on a Linux host that you want to communicate with the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric:
  1. Complete the steps in Preparing to Install a Data Fabric Client later on this page.
  2. Use one of these procedures to install the client on the Linux host:
  3. Perform the steps in Installing Client Libraries to enable your fabric to communicate with the clients.

Preparing to Install a Data Fabric Client

Before you install the Data Fabric client, perform the following steps:

  1. Verify that the operating system on the machine where you plan to install the client is supported. For a list of operating systems that are compatible with the Data Fabric clients, see Operating System Support Matrix.
  2. Verify that the machine where you plan to install the client is not a fabric node. The Data Fabric client is intended for use on a computer that has no other Data Fabric server software installed.
  3. Configure repositories for the client. The client nodes also need to have the Data Fabric repositories configured in order to pull the client packages. See Setting up the Data Fabric Repository.
  4. Install the Data Fabric package key. The package key must be installed before you can install Data Fabric packages. To install the package key, issue the command appropriate for your Linux distribution:
    IMPORTANT To access the Data Fabric internet repository, you must specify the email and token of an HPE Passport account. For more information, see Accessing the HPE Ezmeral Token-Authenticated Internet Repository.
    • RHEL/Rocky/Oracle Enterprise Linux
      wget --user=<email> --password=<token> -O /tmp/maprgpg.key -q && rpm --import /tmp/maprgpg.key
      wget --user=<email> --password=<token> -O /tmp/ -q && rpm --import /tmp/ && gpg --import /tmp/ 
    • Ubuntu
      wget --user=<email> --password=<token> -O /tmp/maprgpg.key -q && sudo apt-key add /tmp/maprgpg.key
      wget --user=<email> --password=<token> -O /tmp/gnugpg.key -q && sudo apt-key add /tmp/gnugpg.key
    For SLES only, you do not have to install the package key because zypper allows package installation with or without the key.

To install the client, obtain the Data Fabric packages for your operating system at and complete the installation steps described in one of the subsequent topics.