Manually Creating/Editing a Data Fabric cluster

In this article, the term tenant refers to HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric tenants (formerly '"MapR tenants") and not to Kubernetes tenants unless explicitly noted otherwise on a case-by-case basis.

A Custom Resource file (CR) is the blueprint for creating a Data Fabric cluster. Data Fabric cluster creation therefore begins with either creating a new CR or editing an existing CR for the cluster. The CR specifies settings for the core components (such as CLDB, ZooKeeper, MCS, or Objectstore gateway) and the shared services (such as Hive Metastore) to be installed in the cluster.

If you are editing a Data Fabric cluster that was created in HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise as described in Creating a New Data Fabric Cluster, then a new CR is automatically created for that cluster. This CR is the blueprint for how the Data Fabric cluster should be created by the DataPlatform operator. However, you can customize the CR to match your unique workflow usage using the information presented in this article.

If desired, you may either use or modify one of the sample Data Fabric CRs to create the Data Fabric cluster. Download sample files from the HPE Ezmeral dataplatform CR example files repository (link opens an external website in a new browser tab or window).
Omitting or failing to specify a value for a required property assigns the default value, if any, to that property. Any property not documented in this article is ignored, even if a value is set for that property.

The DataPlatform operator reads this blueprint and creates the cluster. This operator consists of:

  • A Custom Resource Definition (CRD) that contains the syntax and required properties for creating the Custom Resource.
  • A Controller pod that uses the Custom Resource to build the Data Fabric cluster.

The DataPlatform operator can deploy one HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric on Kubernetes cluster per HPE Ezmeral Runtime Enterprise deployment. This cluster consists of the core, metrics, logging, object gateway, and shared services. The following illustration shows the default list of Data Fabric cluster components deployed by the DataPlatform operator:

Data Fabric CR Parameters

The Data Fabric CR can contain values for some or all of the following properties:

  • baseimagetag - string - The tag to use for pulling all images from a common build. Use this tag to avoid specifying an individual tag for each image.
  • imageregistry - string - Image registry location. This should be the full registry tag. See the sample CRs for the default Google cloud registry.
  • imagepullsecret - string - Name of the secret that contains login information for the image repository.
  • environmenttype - string - Kubernetes environment in which to deploy the storage cluster on. This must be set to vanilla.
  • simpledeploymentdisks - array - List of disks to use in case of a simple deployment where all nodes have the same number of existing disks. For a more complex deployment, specify the disk information in the diskinfo object of cldb and mfs. The default value is:

  • disableha - boolean - Whether (true) or not (false; default) to disable High Availability (HA) enforcement for all pods. Disabling HA turns off HA pod guarantees, such as running only a single instance of CLDB or ZK instead of the minimum three. Enabling enforcement launches enough pods to ensure an HA cluster even if you request lower individual pod counts.
  • dnsdomain - string - Kubernetes cluster DNS domain suffix to use. The default value is cluster.local.
  • loglocation - string - Top-level writable directory where cluster logs are stored on the host machine. An extra level of hierarchy is added underneath this directory to separate information from a different cluster and cluster create times. The default value is /var/log/mapr. Container logs are stored in a subdirectory on the pod.
  • corelocation - string - Optionally specifies the host location where core files for cluster pods are stored. The default value of /var/log/mapr/cores can be changed to any writable location on the host node.
  • podinfolocation -string - Top-level directory where persistent pod information is stored. An extra level of hierarchy is added underneath this directory to separate information from a different cluster. The default value is /var/log/mapr/podinfo.
  • security - object- Settings for installing a secure Data Fabric cluster. See Security Object Settings.
  • debuginfo - object - Settings for debugging the logs. See Debuginfo Object Settings .
  • core - object- Settings for the core Data Fabric cluster pods. See Core Object Settings.
  • monitoring - object - Settings for monitoring services. See Monitoring Object Settings.
  • gateways - object - Settings for gateway service pods. See Gateway Object Settings.
  • coreservices - object - Settings for other Data Fabric services. See Core Services Settings.
  • externaldomain - string - External domain of the host or NAT addresses used for external connections. Default is empty.

Security Object Settings

These are the security settings for all of the pods in the Data Fabric cluster. The security object in the Data Fabric CR must contain values for the following properties:

  • systemusersecret - string - Name of the secret that contains system user information for starting the pods in Kubernetes.
  • disablesecurity - boolean - Whether (true) or not (false; default) security should be disabled.
  • usedare - boolean - Whether (true) or not (false; default) data-at-rest encryption must be enabled on the cluster. This must be set to false if disableSecurity is set to false.

DebugInfo Object Settings

Specify cluster-wide debugging settings that apply to all pods. Changing the debugging level for an individual pod overrides the cluster-wide settings. The debugging object in the Data Fabric CR must contain values for the following properties:

  • loglevel - string - See Bootstrap Log Levels.
  • preservefailedpods - boolean - Whether (true) or not (false; default) pods should not be allowed to restart in the event of a failure. Setting this value to true simplifies pod debugging, but causes the cluster to lose the native Kubernetes resilience that arises from pods restarting themselves when there is a problem.
  • wipelogs - boolean - Whether (true) or not (false; default) to remove log information at the start of a container run. This setting is ignored if hostid is already present.

Core Object Settings

The core object in the Data Fabric CR must contain values for the following properties:

  • init - object - Pod initialization settings for cluster key and certificate generation. The init pod generates initial cluster information including security keys based on the specification in the cluster CR. The cluster will not function if the init container does not start. Once started, the init container runs as a job and disappears after its work is finished. See Core Init Object Settings.
  • zookeeper - object - ZooKeeper pod settings. Zookeeper contains critical cluster coordination information used by the MCS, maprcli, and CLDB. ZooKeeper pods run as part of a statefulset. See ZooKeeper Core Object Settings.
  • cldb - object - CLDB pod settings. CLDB contains location information for all data stored in HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric. CLDB pods run as part of a statefulset. See CLDB Core Object Settings.
  • mfs - object - File system pod settings. MFS pods physically store your data and run as part of a statefulset. See MFS Core Object Settings.
  • webserver - object - Data Fabric Control System settings. The web-server containers run as part of a statefulset and host the admin interface. WebServer Core Object Settings.
  • admincli - object - Admin client pod settings for administering the core data platform components. Admin CLI pods run as part of a statefulset. See AdminCLI Core Object Settings. Kubernetes Cluster Administrators log in to the Admin CLI to run various cluster maintenance tasks. See Admin CLI Pod.

Core Init Object Settings

The init object in the core object of the Data Fabric CR must contain values for the following properties:

  • image - string - Image to use for the init pod container. The default value is init-<mapr-version>:<baseimagetag>.
  • [sizing fields] - strings - See Pod Sizing Fields.
  • loglevel - string - See Bootstrap Log Levels.

ZooKeeper Core Object Settings

The zookeeper object in the core object of the Data Fabric CR must contain values for the following properties:

  • failurecount - integer - Number of failures to tolerate. If disableHA is enabled (set to true), then you can specify a value of 0 to create a single ZooKeeper instance. Otherwise, create 3 ZooKeeper instances for a single failure and increment by 2 for each additional failure to tolerate. For example, the default value of 1 creates 3 ZooKeeper instances, a value of 2, creates 5 ZooKeeper instances, and so on.
  • image - string - Image to use for the pod container. The default value is zookeeper-<mapr-version>:<baseimagetag>.
  • [sizing fields] - strings - See Pod Sizing Fields.
  • sshport - integer - Node port to use to handle external SSH requests. The default value is 5000.
  • loglevel - string - See Bootstrap Log Levels.

CLDB Core Object Settings

Diskinfo Settings is deprecated from HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric on Kubernetes version 1.5, and user does not need to specify any details about the disks.

All disks present on the host will be categorized as hdd/ssd/nvme device and made available in the cldb/mfs pods under /dev/mapr/edf-disks path.

MFS Core Object Settings

The mfs object in the core object of the Data Fabric CR must contain values for the following properties:

  • image - string - Image to use for the pod container. The default value is mfs-<mapr-version>:<baseimagetag>.
  • sshport - integer - Node port to use to handle external SSH requests. The default value is 5001.
  • hostports - object - Externally-available pod ports. The default value for a single file system instance is 5660, 5692, 5724, 5756, 8660. See HostPorts CLDB and MFS Group Object Settings.
  • requestcpu - string - CPU amount to reserve for the pod, in the format ([1 - 9][0-9]+m). For example: 200m.
  • limitcpu - string - Maximum CPU for the pod, in the format ([1 - 9][0-9]+m). For example: 12000m.
  • requestmemory - string - Amount of memory to reserve for the pod, in the format ([1 - 9]+Gi). For example: 4Gi.
  • limitmemory - string - Maximum memory amount for the pod, in the format ([1 - 9]+Gi). For example: 4Gi.
  • requestdisk - string - Amount of ephemeral storage space to reserve for the pod. Default is 5Gi.
  • limitdisk - string - Maximum amount of ephemeral storage space to reserve for the pod. Default is 20Gi.
  • loglevel - string - See Bootstrap Log Levels.

MFS Group Object Settings

Diskinfo Settings is deprecated from HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric on Kubernetes version 1.5, and user does not need to specify any details about the disks.

All disks present on the host will be categorized as hdd/ssd/nvme device and made available the cldb/mfs pods under /dev/mapr/edf-disks.

HostPorts CLDB and MFS Group Object Settings

The hostports object in the cldb and mfs:groups object of the Data Fabric CR must contain values for the following properties:

  • mfs1port - integer - First file system port. The default value is 5660. For each additional instance, the port number is incremented by 1. That is, instance 0 will use 5660, instance 1 will use 5661, and so on for each additional instance.
  • mfs2port - integer - Second file system port. The default value is 5692. For each additional instance, the port number is incremented by 1. That is, instance 0 will use 5692, instance 1 will use 5693, and so on for each additional instance.
  • mfs3port - integer - Third file system port. The default value is 5724. For each additional instance, the port number is incremented by 1. That is, instance 0 will use 5724, instance 1 will use 5725, and so on for each additional instance.
  • mfs4port - integer - Fourth file system port. The default value is 5756. For each additional instance, the port number is incremented by 1. That is, instance 0 will use 5756, instance 1 will use 5757, and so on for each additional instance.

MFS Group DiskInfo Object Settings

The diskinfo object in the mfs:groups object of the Data Fabric CR must contain values for the following properties:

  • diskcount - integer - Number of disks in this group. The default value is 3. Pods for this service are not created on nodes that do not meet this requirement. This is ignored if simpledeploymentdisks information is specified in the Data Fabric CR.
  • disktype - string - Type of disk in this group (hdd, ssd, nvme). The default value is ssd. Pods for this service will not be created on nodes that do not meet this requirement.
  • reducemfsrequirements - boolean - Whether (true) or not (false; default) memory and CPU resources required by MFS should be reduced at the expense of DB performance.
  • storagepoolsize - integer - Number of disks in the storage pool. This is configured during disksetup (link opens in a new browser tab/window). The default value is 0, which uses a single storage pool. Any other number is passed to the disksetup utility as the stripe width. For example, if there are 10 disks and the storage pool size is 2, then 5 storage pools with 2 disks each are created, and if the storage pools size is 5 the 2 storage pools of 5 disks each are created.
  • storagepoolsperinstance - integer - Number of storage pools that an instance of the file system will manage. The platform launches multiple instances of the file system based on the specified number of storage pools. The default value is 0, which sets the number of storage pools based on internal algorithms. A value greater than 32 generates an error.

WebServer Core Object Settings

The webserver object in the core object of the Data Fabric CR must contain values for the following properties:

  • count - integer - Number of pod instances. At least one instance of the Data Fabric Control System (MCS) is required.
  • image - string - Image to use for the pod container. The default value is webserver-<mapr-version>:<baseimagetag>.
  • [sizing fields] - strings - See Pod Sizing Fields.
  • sshport - integer - Node port to use to handle external SSH requests.
  • loglevel - string - See Bootstrap Log Levels.

AdminCLI Core Object Settings

The admincli object in the core object of the Data Fabric CR must contain values for the following properties:

  • count - integer - Number of pod instances. At least one instance of the admin CLI is required.
  • image - string - Image to use for the pod container. The default value is admincli-<mapr-version>:<baseimagetag>.
  • [sizing fields] - strings - See Pod Sizing Fields.
  • sshport - integer - Node port to use to handle external SSH requests. The default value is 5003.
  • loglevel - string - See Bootstrap Log Levels.

Monitoring Object Settings

The monitoring object of the Data Fabric CR must contain values for the following properties:

  • monitormetrics -boolean - Whether (true; default) or not (false) to enable monitoring of some cluster metrics using the installed monitoring services such as collectd, OpenTSDB, or Grafana.
  • collectd - object -Collectd settings. Collectd runs as a deployment and collects various metrics from running pods. See CollectD Monitoring Object Settings.
  • opentsdb - object - OpenTSDB settings. OpenTSDB pods run as part of a statefulset and hold the metrics generated by Collectd. See OpenTSDB Monitoring Object Settings.
  • grafana - object - Grafana settings. Grafana pods run as part of a deployment and provide the interface for the metrics stored in OpenTSD. See Grafana Monitoring Object Settings.

CollectD Monitoring Object Settings

The collectd object in the monitoring object of the Data Fabric CR must contain values for the following properties:

  • disablecollectd - boolean - Whether (true) or not (false; default) to disable collectd.
  • image - string - The image to use for the pod container. The default value is collectd-<version>:<baseimagetag>.
  • [sizing fields] - strings - See Pod Sizing Fields.
  • loglevel - string - See Bootstrap Log Levels.

OpenTSDB Monitoring Object Settings

The opentsdb object in the monitoring object of the Data Fabric CR must contain values for the following properties:

  • count - integer - Number of pod instances.
  • image - string - Image to use for the pod container. The default value is opentsdb-<version>:<baseimagetag>.
  • [sizing fields] - strings - See Pod Sizing Fields.
  • loglevel - string - See Bootstrap Log Levels.

Grafana Monitoring Object Settings

The grafana object in the monitoring object of the Data Fabric CR must contain values for the following properties:

  • count - integer - Number of pod instances.
  • image - string - Image to use for the pod container. The default value is grafana-<version>:<baseimagetag>.
  • [sizing fields] - strings - See Pod Sizing Fields.
  • loglevel - string - See Bootstrap Log Levels.

Gateway Object Settings

The gateways object of the Data Fabric CR must contain values for the following property:

  • objectstore - object - Settings for the Data Fabric Object Store with S3-Compatible API. The Objectstore runs as a statefulset and allows S3/Minio API requests to data platform data. See Object Store Gateway Object Settings.

Object Store Gateway Object Settings

The objectstore object in the gateways object of the Data Fabric CR must contain values for the following properties:

  • count - integer - Number of pod instances.
  • image - string - Image to use for the pod container. The default value is objectstore-<version>:<baseimagetag>.
  • [sizing fields] - strings - See Pod Sizing Fields.
  • sshport - integer - Node port on the node to use to handle external SSH requests.
  • hostports - object - Externally-usable pod port.
  • loglevel - string - See Bootstrap Log Levels.

Core Services Settings

Core services are additional pods that run in the Data Fabric cluster namespace, which means that core service pods are a single high availability cluster per Data Fabric cluster. Hive Metastore runs as a deployment and is currently the only non-gateway or monitoring cluster service that runs in the Data Fabric cluster namespace. This configuration allows Hive Metastore to be shared across tenants. If needed, Hive Metastore can also be run as a tenant service. The Hive Metastore object contains values for the following Hive Metastore properties:

  • count - integer - Number of pod instances.
  • image - string - Image to use for the pod container. The default value is hivemeta-<version>:<baseimagetag>.
  • useexternaldb - boolean - Whether (true) or not (false; default) Hive Metastore should use an external DB instead of the embedded Derby DB.
  • externaldbserver - string - DB server address to use for Hive Metastore. This value is ignored if useexternaldb is set to false.
  • [sizing fields] - strings - See Pod Sizing Fields.
  • sshport - integer - Node port to use to handle external SSH requests.
  • loglevel - string - See Bootstrap Log Levels.

Custom Configuration File Settings

In the clusterCustomizationFiles object in the cluster CR

  • The custom configuration files specified using ConfigMaps in the CR are deployed in the hpe-templates-data namespace. Pods use the settings in the ConfigMaps when launching a service.
  • The custom configuration files specified using Secrets in the CR are deployed in the hpe-secure namespace. Pods use the settings in the Secrets when launching a service.

The clusterCustomizationFiles object in the cluster CR contains values for the following properties:

  • podSecurityPolicy - string - Name of the pod security policy that should be used by the Data Fabric cluster. This should be in the hpe-secure namespace.
  • networkPolicy - string - Name of the network policy that should be used by the Data Fabric cluster. This should be in the hpe-secure namespace.
  • sslSecret - string - Name of the secret containing SSL certificates that should be used by the Data Fabric cluster. This should be in the hpe-secure namespace.
  • sshSecret - string - Name of the secret containing SSH keys that should be used by the Data Fabric cluster. This should be in the hpe-secure namespace.
  • zkConfig - string - Name of the ConfigMap containing ZooKeeper settings that should be used by the Data Fabric cluster. The default value is zookeeper-cm.
  • cldbConfig - string - Name of the ConfigMap containing CLDB settings that should be used by the Data Fabric cluster. The default value is cldb-cm.
  • mfsConfig - string - Name of the ConfigMap containing MapR file system settings that should be used by the Data Fabric cluster. The default value is mfs-cm.
  • webserverConfig - string - Name of the ConfigMap containing Data Fabric Control System (MCS) settings that should be used by the Data Fabric cluster. The default value is webserver-cm.
  • collectdConfig - string - Nme of the ConfigMap containing collectD settings that should be used by the Data Fabric cluster. The default value is collectd-cm.
  • opentsdbConfig - string - Name of the ConfigMap containing OpenTSDB settings that should be used by the Data Fabric cluster. The default value is opentsdb-cm.
  • grafanaConfig - string - Name of the ConfigMap containing Grafana settings that should be used by the Data Fabric cluster. The default value is grafana-cm.
  • objectstoreConfig - string - Name of the ConfigMap containing MapR Object Store settings that should be used by the Data Fabric cluster. The default value is objectstore-cm.
  • hiveMetastoreConfig - string - Name of the ConfigMap containing Hive Metastore settings that should be used by the Data Fabric cluster and tenant. The default value is hivemetastore-cm.
  • adminCLIConfig - string - Name of the ConfigMap containing Admin CLI settings that should be used by the Data Fabric cluster. The default value is admincli-cm.
  • tenantCLIConfig - string - Name of the ConfigMap containing Tenant Terminal settings that should be used by the tenant. The default value is tenantcli-cm.

Deploying HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric on Kubernetes

To create the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric on Kubernetes environment:

  1. Create or edit the custom resource (CR) YAML file for the Data Fabric cluster. The settings in the CR are described previously in this topic.
  2. Execute the following command to use the CR to create the Data Fabric cluster:

    kubectl apply -f <path-to-data-platform-cluster-custom-resource-file>

    Containers are created on the pods for running the Data Fabric cluster services when the Data Fabric CR is deployed.

  3. Verify whether or not the Data Fabric cluster has been created by executing the following command. The cluster namespace is the cluster name that was specified in the CR:

    kubectl get pods -n <data-fabric-cluster-namespace>