Modify the httpfs-site.xml File

About this task

A Kerberos-ready version of the httpfs-site.xml file called httpfs-site.xml.kerberos is provided in /opt/mapr/hadoop/hadoop-3.3.x/etc/hadoop/httpfs-site.xml. Edit this file and specify the Kerberos principal name for the nodes running HttpFS, restart the HttpFS server, and then test the set-up. Each step is explained here.

To set up the httpfs-site.xml file for each node running the HttpFS service, follow these steps:


  1. Assign a new name to the existing httpfs-site.xml file (to preserve the original version when the file gets overwritten in step 2):
    cd /opt/mapr/hadoop/hadoop-3.3.x/etc/hadoop
    cp httpfs-site.xml httpfs-site.xml.original
  2. Edit the httpfs-site.xml file, and insert the principal name as shown, substituting your fully qualified domain name and realm for <node_name>@<REALM>:
  3. Restart the HttpFS server so the changes will take effect:
    maprcli node services -name httpfs -action restart -nodes <node_name>
  4. Test that security is in place by entering the following command to create a file in the file system. The command will fail if security is not set up correctly:
    curl --negotiate -u : -b ~/cookiejar.txt -c ~/cookiejar.txt -i -X PUT