mc ub

Updates the properties of buckets on a local cluster/fabric or on a remote fabric present on the global namespace.



  --enable-versioning, -v                       enable object version
  --suspend-versioning, -s                      suspend object version
  --set-compression value, -z value             set MapR fs compression type, off/on/lz4/zlib
  --set-object-chunk-size value, -c value       set object chunk size (default: 256 MB)
  --set-max-inline-object-size value, -i value  set max inline object size (default: 0)
  --set-max-in-db-object-size value, -d value   set max in DB object size (default: 0)
  --json                                        enable JSON lines formatted output
  --debug                                       enable debug output
  --insecure                                    disable SSL certificate verification
  --help, -h                                    show help


Parameter Description
TARGET The alias of a configured HPE Ezmeral Object Store deployment on which the command updates the properties of buckets. This parameter is mandatory. To update properties of buckets from a remote cluster/fabric in the global namespace use the format <fabricname>-<bucketname> instead of only the <bucketname> after the alias, that is <alias>/<fabricname>-<clustername>.When bucketname is mentioned without the fabric name, Data Fabric checks the local cluster for the specified bucketname.
enable-versioning Enables versioning on the given bucket.
suspend-versioning Suspends versioning on the given bucket.
set-compression Compression to use when saving objects in the bucket. Either lz4 or zlib or off (no compression). The default compression is lz4.
set-object-chunk-size Chunk size is used when saving objects to disk. For example, if chunk size is set to 256MB, an object of size 512MB is written to disk in parallel in two 256MB chunks. The default chunk size is 256MB for jumbo objects. For large objects, chunks size is always set to zero. Zero indicates no chunking. After you change the chunk size, all new uploads will use the updated value; existing objects will continue to use the previously set chunk size. Updating the chunk size only affects jumbo objects uploaded with multi-part upload disabled (mc cp --disable-multipart).
set-max-inline-object-size The maximum size of tiny objects to be stored in the database instead of in the bucket. Default value is 128 bytes. The value can be set up to maximum of 1 MB. The value of 0 indicates that objects are not stored in the database.
set-max-in-db-object-size The maximum size of small objects to be stored in the database instead of in the bucket. Default value is 16KB. The value can be set up to maximum of 8 MB. The default of 0 indicates that objects are not stored in the database.
json Enable JSON formatted output.
debug Enable output for debugging.
insecure Disable SSL verification.
help Show this help.
Changing the set-max-inline-object-size and the set-max-in-db-object-size values is typically only required if there are performance issues with small objects (1KB - 16KB). Consult with HPE before you change these parameters. Note that the values of the parameters should follow the condition:

max-inline-object-size < max-in-db-object-size < chunk size

For example:
/opt/mapr/bin/mc ub alias <bucketName> --set-max-inline-object-size 16384 --set-max-in-db-object-size 16385


  1. Suspend versions for a bucket named northamerica in the Object Store deployment with alias salesobject:
    /opt/mapr/bin/mc ub --suspend-versioning salesobject/northamerica
  2. Set zlib compression for objects in a bucket named northamerica in the Object Store deployment with alias salesobject:
    /opt/mapr/bin/mc ub --set-compression zlib salesobject/northamerica
  3. Set chunk size to 512 MB for objects in a bucket named northamerica in the Object Store deployment with alias salesobject:
    /opt/mapr/bin/mc ub --set-object-chunk-size 536870912 salesobject/northamerica
  4. Set chunk size to 512 MB for objects in a bucket named northamerica on a remote fabric named sales, in the Object Store deployment with alias salesobject:
    /opt/mapr/bin/mc ub --set-object-chunk-size 536870912 salesobject/sales-northamerica