mrconfig s3 refreshstats

Refreshes statistics about the objects inside the bucket.
You have to run this command as the mapr user whenever bucket stats are not correctly displayed, and then check the stats again.


mrconfig s3 refreshstats <bucket name>




bucket name

The name of the bucket; example finbucket


Refresh statistics for objects in a bucket finbucket:

/opt/mapr/server/mrconfig s3 refreshstats finbucket
   oltfid 2085.67.131354
   statsVN 10
   numInProgress 2
   numDeleteMarkers 0
   numObjects 10
   numMarkedForPurge 0
   numLegalHoldEnabled 1
   numRetentionEnabled 3
   numComplianceEnabled 2
   numObjectParts 0
   numMPPendingStitching 0
   totalSzInProgress 20
   totalSzObjects 210
   totalSzMarkedForPurge 0
   totalSzObjectParts 0
   SizeHisto size < 256 num 0
   SizeHisto 256 <= size < 4096 num 4
   SizeHisto 4096 <= size < 65536 num 3
   SizeHisto 65536 <= size < 1048576 num 0
   SizeHisto 1048576 <= size < 16777216 num 1
   SizeHisto 16777216 <= size < 268435456 num 1
   SizeHisto 268435456 <= size < 4294967296 num 1
   SizeHisto 4294967296 <= size < 68719476736 num 1
   SizeHisto 68719476736 <= size < 1099511627776 num 0
   SizeHisto size >= 1099511627776 num 0