Installing the Hive-on-Tez User Interface

This topic describes installation of the Hive-on-Tez user interface by using the Data Fabric Installer or manual steps.

Installation Using the Data Fabric Installer

When you use the Data Fabric Installer to install Tez, the timeline server for the Hive-on-Tez user interface is installed automatically. If the Enable MapR Secure Cluster option is enabled in the Data Fabric Installer, the timeline server is installed to be secure.

The Tomcat server is installed into this folder:
To start using the Hive-on-Tez user interface if the Enable MapR Secure Cluster option is enabled or if the cluster is Kerberized, you must log in to the timeline server user interface:

Manual Installation

To install the Hive-on-Tez user interface manually:
  1. Install and configure mapr-tez as described in Configuring Hive and Tez.
  2. Install the timeline server:
    On CentOS / Red Hat yum install mapr-timelineserver
    On SLES zypper install mapr-timelineserver
    On Ubuntu apt-get install mapr-timelineserver
    NOTE Install the timeline server on a single node. The Hive-on-Tez user interface does not support High Availability (HA).