Set Up Individual Package Files

This section describes how to upgrade Data Fabric software using individual package files.

About this task

You can download package files, store them locally, and then install Data Fabric from the files. This option is typically used to upgrade clusters that are not connected to the internet.

Platform-specific upgrade repositories are hosted at:<version>/<platform>/mapr-v<version>GA-upgrade.<rpm/deb>.tgz.

See Data Fabric Repositories and Packages for more information about repositories and packages.

To upgrade Data Fabric using individual package files, you need to first pre-install the Data Fabric package dependencies on each node. See the Package Dependencies for the dependency packages required for the cluster services that you are installing. Manually download the packages and install them.


  1. Using a machine connected to the internet, download the tarball for the Data Fabric components and the Hadoop ecosystem components, substituting the appropriate <platform>, <version>, and <datestamp>.
    For example:<version>/ubuntu/mapr-v<version>GA-upgrade.deb.tgz
  2. Extract the tarball to a local directory, either on each node or on a local network accessible by all nodes:
    tar -xvzf <product_package>.tgz