Upgrading the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Streams Python Client

This section describes how to upgrade the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Streams Python Client without the Installer.

About this task

To install the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Streams Python Client using the Python Software Foundation, run the following command as root or using sudo:

pip install -upgrade --global-option=build_ext --global-option="--library-dirs=/opt/mapr/lib" --global-option="--include-dirs=/opt/mapr/include/" mapr-streams-python


pip install -U --global-option=build_ext --global-option="--library-dirs=/opt/mapr/lib" --global-option="--include-dirs=/opt/mapr/include/" mapr-streams-python
Alternatively, you can install the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Streams Python Client via the Data Fabric package repository:
https://package.ezmeral.hpe.com/releases/MEP/<MEP version>/mac/mapr-streams-python-<version>.tar.gz
IMPORTANT To access the Data Fabric internet repository, you must specify the email and token of an HPE Passport account. For more information, see Using the HPE Ezmeral Token-Authenticated Internet Repository.