Viewing Active Volume Alarms

Describes how to view volume alarms using the Control System and the CLI.

About this task

You can view volume alarms in the Control System and using the CLI.

Viewing Active Volume Alarms in the Control System


Log in to the Control System and:
  • Click Data > Volumes to view all active volume alarms in the Active Alarms pane.
    The Volumes page is under the Volumes menu on the Kubernetes version of the Control System.
  • Go to the Summary tab in the volume information page to view the recent and active alarms for the selected volume in the Alarms pane.
  • Click (in the top navigation bar) and select Volume Alarms from the drop-down menu in the All alarms pane to view all the active volume alarms.
  • Click Overview and select Volume Alarms from the drop-down menu in the Active Alarms pane to view all active volume alarms.
You can:See Volume Alarms for more information on the volume alarms.

Retrieving Active Volume Alarms Using the CLI or REST API

About this task

The basic command to retrieve node alarms is:

maprcli alarm list -cluster <cluster name> -type volume

For complete reference information, see alarm list.