Changing Volume Type

You can convert a standard volume to a mirror volume and promote a mirror volume to a standard volume.

A standard volume with one or more associated mirror volumes can be converted to a mirror volume that mirrors one of the its associated mirror volumes. The mirror volume that the converted standard volume is set to mirror must then be promoted to a standard volume. The converted standard volume then becomes a read-only copy of the promoted mirror volume.

Standard volumes that do not have one or more associated mirror volumes cannot be converted to mirror volumes.

A mirror volume is a read-only physical copy of a standard volume. In general, mirror volumes are created for the purpose of preventing or minimizing data loss. Mirror volumes are also used to improve performance or to make copies of data for use in other clusters without impacting production. Mirror volumes can be changed to read-write volumes by converting the mirror volumes to standard volumes.

The following topics include procedures for converting a standard volume to a mirror volume and vice versa.