Converting a Data Fabric Cluster from Root to Non-Root User from the Command-Line

Lists the process to change the running user from root to a non-root user on a cluster.


  1. Create a user with the same UID/GID across the cluster. Assign that user to the MAPR_USER environment variable.
  2. On each node:
    1. Stop the warden and the ZooKeeper (if present).
      service mapr-warden stop
      service mapr-zookeeper stop
    2. Run the script to configure the cluster to start as the non-root user.
      /opt/mapr/server/ -u <MapR user> [-g <MapR group>]
    3. Start the ZooKeeper (if present) and the warden.
      service mapr-zookeeper start
      service mapr-warden start
  3. After the previous step is complete on all nodes in the cluster, run the script on all nodes.

    This command may take several minutes to return. The script waits ten minutes for the process to complete across the entire cluster. If the cluster-wide operation takes longer than ten minutes, the script fails. Re-run the script on all nodes where the script failed.

    The MAPR_UID_MISMATCH alarm may be raised during this process. The alarm will be cleared when this process is complete on all nodes.