Installing the MAST Gateway

Describes how to install the Automated Storage Tiering (MAST) Gateway service.

About this task

The MAST Gateway acts as the centralized entry point for all the operations that need to be performed on the tiered storage. The MAST Gateway can be installed (with or without file system) on specific hosts on the cluster with access to the 3rd party cloud storage (for cold tier operations) or on the edge node. Before you install the MAST Gateway, review the Pre-Installation Considerations.

What to do next

After installing the MAST Gateway, see Configuring the MAST Gateway Service.

Installing the MAST Gateway Using the Installer

About this task

When you install release 6.1 or later by using the Installer, select the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric File Store auto-provisioning template to install the MAST Gateway automatically on all the nodes.

Installing the MAST Gateway from the Command-line


Run the following command on the node where you want to install the MAST Gateway:
RHEL / Rocky yum install mapr-mastgateway
Ubuntu apt-get install mapr-mastgateway
SLES zypper install mapr-mastgateway

Installing Additional MAST Gateways from the Command-line

About this task

If you install a new MAST Gateway on a cluster already performing tiering operations (using other installed MAST Gateways), perform the following steps to force the CLDB to rebalance utilization of all the MAST Gateways, including the newly added MAST Gateway:


  1. Install the mapr-mastgateway package on the node.
  2. Run with the -R option to register the MAST Gateway with the CLDB.
    For example:
    /opt/mapr/server/ -R
    After this command runs, newly created volumes are assigned to this MAST Gateway.
  3. Run the following command to force the CLDB to reassign existing volumes to the least utilized MAST Gateways:
    /opt/mapr/server/mrconfig mastgateway refreshvolassignment <volume-name>

    You must run this command once for each volume to reassign. HPE recommends running this command for all volumes if MAST Gateway is either newly added to the cluster or permanently removed from the cluster. When this command runs, CLDB reassigns the volume tiering operation to the least utilized MAST Gateway, which might be the newly added MAST Gateway, to force rebalancing.

    For more information, see mastgateway refreshvolassignment.