Removing Column Families

Explains how to delete column families using either the Control System or the CLI.

About this task

Starting in the 6.0 release, you cannot delete a column family from a JSON table.

Removing Column Families Using the Control System

About this task

To remove one or more column families:


  1. Go to the table information page.
  2. Click Column Families tab.
    The page displays:
    • Default column family permissions
    • All the column families for the table
  3. Select the checkbox associated with the column families to delete in the All pane.
  4. Click Remove Column Family.
    The Remove Column Families confirmation dialog displays.
  5. Verify the list of column families and click Remove Column Family.
    If necessary, click to remove a column family from the list of column families to delete.

Removing a Column Family Using the CLI or the REST API

About this task

To remove a column family by name using the CLI or the REST API, run the following command:

maprcli table cf delete -path <path> -cfname <name>

See the table cf delete command for more information.