Listing Column Families

Explains how to view the column families for a table using either the Control System or the CLI.

Viewing Table Column Families Using the Control System

About this task

To view the column families for a table:


  1. Go to the table information page.
  2. Click the Column Families tab.
    The page displays the default permissions for the column families in the Default Column Family Authorization pane, and for each column family, the All pane displays:
    Column Name Column Description
    Column Family Name The name of the column family.
    JSON Path The JSON path for the column in the JSON file in dotted notation.
    Compression The compression scheme used for the column family.
    Time-to-Live The amount of time to keep the data in the column family.
    In Memory Whether or not this column value resides in memory.
    Selecting the checkbox associated with the column family makes the Remove Column Family button available. You can:
    • Add a column family to the table
    • Remove a column family associated with the table

Viewing Table Column Families Using the CLI or REST API

About this task

The command to list the column families that are in a table is:
maprcli table cf list -path <path> -cfname <name_of_column_family>

The format of the value of the -path parameter depends on whether you are viewing a table on a local cluster or a remote cluster:

  • For a path on the local cluster, start the path at the volume mount point. For example, for a table named test under a volume with a mount point at /volume1, specify the following path: /volume1/test
  • For a path on a remote cluster, you must also specify the cluster name in the path. For example, for a table named customer under volume1 in the sanfrancisco cluster, specify the following path:/mapr/sanfrancisco/volume1/customer
    You cannot use the following characters in the table name:
     < > ? % \
    To use the following characters in the table name, enclose them either in single or double quotes:
    ; | ( ) / 
    For example:
    maprcli table create -path "/設備^=#;{}&()/"  (or)
    maprcli table create -path '/設備^=#;{}&()/'
    To use either the ' or the " character in the table name, enclose:
    • the ' character within double quotes (")
    • the " character within single quote (')
    For example:
    maprcli table create -path "/'設備^=#;{}&()/"  (or)
    maprcli table create -path '/"設備^=#;{}&()/'
To run this command, your user ID must have the following permissions:
  • readAce on the volume
  • lookupdir on directories in the paths
  • adminaccessperm on the table

For complete reference, see the table cf list command.