Loading Documents into JSON Tables

There are three command-line utilities for loading documents into JSON tables: mapr copytable, mapr importtable (which works in conjunction with the mapr exporttable utility), and mapr importJSON

You can choose whether to have these utilities perform bulk loads or incremental loads.

For bulk loads, the -bulkload parameter of the JSON table must be set to true. During a bulk load, client applications are unable to access the table. After the utility is finished, you must set the table's -bulkload parameter to false, so that client applications can access the table again.

When you set the -bulkload parameter to true, you cannot enable replication on the table. Since this effectively disables logging on the table, HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database also does not capture log data that Elasticsearch can use to index the table.

Incremental loads allow client applications to access the table as the documents are loaded. However, incremental loads are slower than bulk loads.

mapr copytable

The mapr copytable utility copies documents -- all documents or a subset determined by a range of row keys, and all fields or a subset of fields -- directly from oneJSON table to another.

Figure 1. Copying a subset of data from one table to another
Copying a subset of data from one table to another

For reference information about this utility, see mapr copytable.

mapr exporttable and mapr importtable

The mapr exporttable utility exports data from a JSON table to binary sequence files that you can import into another JSON table by using the mapr importtable utility.

Figure 2. JSON documents exported from a JSON table as binary sequence files and then imported into another JSON table
JSON documents exported from a JSON table as binary sequence files and then imported into another JSON table

The destination directory is created by the mapr exporttable utility. To prevent accidental overwriting of data, the mapr exporttable utility fails if the destination directory already exists.

The command for running the mapr importtable utility in step 2 of the diagram above would look like this:

mapr importtable -src /data/* -dst /collection/artworks

The -columns parameter of the mapr exporttable utility lets you export subsets of the fields in the documents that are in a table. For example, to export field b, the fields under it, and field d from documents with the following structure, the command to run the mapr exporttable utility would look like this:

mapr exporttable -columns a.b,c.d -src /collection/all_data -dst /data

For reference information about these commands, see HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database JSON ExportTable and ImportTable.

mapr importJSON

This utility imports one or more JSON documents that are text files into a JSON table.

Figure 3. JSON documents in a folder named /data being imported into a JSON table
JSON documents in a folder named /data being imported into a JSON table

If the each document does not already contain an _id field to use as a document ID, the mapr importJSON utility adds an _id field during the import. Use the -idfield parameter to specify the name of the field that contains the value to copy into the value of the _id field.

For example, each document might have a product_ID field that contains a universally unique identifier. You could run the utility with this command:

mapr importJSON -idfield "product_ID" -src /data/* -dst /collection/artworks

For reference information about this command, see the mapr importJSON command.