
Adds, deletes and updates clusters from cluster groups/global namespace.

A global namespace stitches multiple data sources into a single accessible entity and provides multiple data access points, where each access point shows the same hierarchical namespace. The entire group of data sources could be accessed and operated by using any one of the access points, without any need to know the source's physical data location.

The global namespace is implemented using clustergroup command.

The following example shows the clustergroup command-line help:

/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli clustergroup
               -clustername name of the primary cluster of the group
               -cldbips "hostname1:port1 hostname2:port2...." of the primary c luster
               -crossclusterticket cross cluster ticket of the primary cluster 
               -clustername name of the exisiting cluster to be made as the ne w primary
               -clustername name of the cluster/external server to be removed from the group
               [ -showprimary display cluster info for cluster group primary on ly. default: false ]
               [ -clustername name of cluster ]
               [ -getlicenseinfo get license info. default: false ]

               -type Type of the external server being added, nfs/s3
               -externalservername External server name that would appear in g lobal namespace
               [ -ips In case of NFS and Generic S3, comma seperated list of ex ternal server ips ]
               [ -accesskey Access key in case of S3 server ]
               [ -secretkey Secret key in case of S3 server ]
               [ -s3vendor External S3 server vendor, either AWS OR Generic ]
               [ -awsregion AWS region in case the S3 vendor type is AWS ]
         [ -force if provided skip checking external server ips Parameter takes no value ]
            -status set upgrade status for given cluster
            -clustername name of cluster
            -clustername name of cluster
            -externalservername name of the external server for exports inf o
            [ -start start. default: 0 ]
            [ -limit limit. default: 2147483647 ]
