
Manages volumes, snapshots and mirrors.


The following table lists the data fields that provide information about each volume. Each field has two names:

  • Field name - displayed in the output of the volume list command and used to specify the columns displayed using the columns parameter
  • Short name - used to specify the columns displayed using the columns parameter

The short name is also used when specifying rows with a filter, for example when specifying a set of volumes about which to get information.

Field Name Short Name Description
accesstime va A value that can be used to determine when this volume was accessed.
actualreplication arf The actual current replication factor by percentage of the volume, as a zero-based array of integers from 0 to 100. For each position in the array, the value is the percentage of the volume that is replicated index number of times. Example: arf=5,10,85 means that 5% is not replicated, 10% is replicated once, 85% is replicated twice.
advisoryquota aqt The advisory quota for the volume, in MB. A value of 0 indicates there are no soft or advisory quotas for this volume.
AdvisoryQuotaExceededAlarm aqa Alarm raised if the volume size is more than the value configured for the advisory quota.
aename aen The accounting entity (AE) name.
aetype aet The type of accounting entity (AE). Value can be:
  • 0 - user
  • 1 - group
allowGrant ag Specifies whether a parent volume grants permission for a child volume to inherit its properties. Value can be true or false.
allowReadforExecute re When set to true(1), allows execution of SUID binaries with only their executable bit set, on a FUSE filesystem. This parameter works in conjunction with the fuse.mount.setuid FUSE option. For more information, see Configuring the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric FUSE-Based POSIX Client
AlmostFullTopologyAlarm afta Timestamp when Topology Almost Full alarm was raised.
atimeTrackingStartTime atimeinterval Indicates the time at which atimeUpdateInterval is enabled.
aTimeTrackingStartTime is updated to the current time in the following cases:
  • Just started tracking atime, which means that the atimeUpdate frequency was previously zero
  • If the value of atimeUpdate frequency is decreased
  • If the value of atimeUpdate frequency is increased and atime has not been tracked for the duration of the new frequency value
For more information, see Tuning Last Access Time.
atimeUpdateInterval atst Defines the frequency at which the last file access time is updated. For more information, see Tuning Last Access Time.
audited ea Indicates whether 1 or not (0) auditing is enabled for the volume. See Enabling Auditing for the steps to enable auditing on a volume and on directories, files, and tables in that volume.
auditVolume av Indicates whether (1) or not volume accommodates audit logs.
BecomeMasterStuckAlarm bms Timestamp when the Volume Become Master Stuck alarm has been raised for the volume.
CannotMirrorAlarm cma Timestamp when the "Cannot Mirror" alarm was raised.
coalesceInterval ci The interval of time in minutes during which only the first instance of an operation on a node is recorded in audit logs, if auditing is enabled. Subsequent identical operations performed on the same node are ignored during the interval. Setting this field to a larger number helps prevent audit logs from growing quickly.
The default value is 60 minutes.
CompactionFailureAlarm cfa Timestamp when the Compaction Failed alarm has been raised for the volume.
containerAllocationFactor caf Indicates the number of containers created for the volume.
ContainersNonLocalAlarm cnla Timestamp when the Local Volume containers non-local alarm was raised.
creationTime ct The volume creation time (epoch time in seconds). This is only available on volumes created using MapR v6.0.0 or later. For volumes created using older MapR/Data Fabric versions, the volume info and volume list commands will return empty value for this field.
creator on Name of the user that created the volume.
creatorcontainerid ccid ID for the container.
creatorvolumeuuid cvid ID that supports the container chain identification for mirroring. The creatorcontainerid and creatorvolumeuuid fields combined form a unique identifier for the container chain.
CriticallyDegradedEcStripesAlarm cea Timestamp when the Data Under-Encoded alarm has been raised for the volume.
criticalReReplTimeOutSec crto The timeout (in seconds) before re-replicating critically under-replicated containers only.
cvtotalused The total space used by the associated cache volume.
dareEnabled de Indicates whether (1) or not (0) data-at-rest encryption is enabled for the volume.
data-size-mirrored-mb dsm Indicates the amount of data (in MB) that has been mirrored to the volume.
data-size-to-mirror-mb dstm Indicates the amount of data (in MB) that is yet to be mirrored to the volume.
DataUnavailableAlarm dua Timestamp when the Data Unavailable alarm was raised.
DataUnderReplicatedAlarm rfa Timestamp when the Data Under-Replicatedalarm was raised.
dbindexlagsecalarmthresh dilsat Defines the lag time in seconds for updating secondary indexes after which the Secondary Index Encoding Error alarm is raised.
dbrepllagsecalarmthresh dlsat Defines the lag time in seconds for replication after which the Table Replication Lag High alarm is raised.
DegradedEcStripesAlarm dea Timestamp when the Warm-Tier Data Node Down alarm has been raised for the volume.
disableddataauditoperations ddao The list of operations excluded from auditing. For more information, see Auditing Data Access Operations and Selective Auditing of File-System, Table, and Stream Operations Using the CLI.
ecscheme ecs The erasure coding scheme for the volume if the volume is enabled for warm tiering.
ecstorevolume ecstore The name of the backend volume or erasure coded volume associated with the tiering enabled front-end volume.
ecstripedepthmb ecstripedepthmb The stripe depth of the erasure coded volume. The default value is 4 MB.
ectopology ectopo The rack path to the erasure coded volume.
ectotalused ecused The total space, after compression, used by the erasure-coded volume. This includes the disk space used by the parity fragments.
enableddataauditoperations edao The list of operations selected for auditing. For more information, see Auditing Data Access Operations and Selective Auditing of File-System, Table, and Stream Operations Using the CLI.
enforcementmode em The enforcement mode when evaluating authorization for data access. Permitted values are as follows:
  • PolicyAceOnly: Determines data access authorization based only on the security policy tags, for the file or directory. Ignores both mode bits and file or directory ACEs in determining access rights, when the resource is tagged with a security policy. Volume level ACEs still apply.
  • PolicyAceAndDataAce: Evaluates access rights based on the AND of the (file/directory ACEs OR mode bits), and security policy ACEs.
  • DataAceOnly: Evaluates access rights based on the AND of file/directory ACEs OR mode bits. Use this mode to switch off the policy-based security feature, on a per-volume basis, in an emergency situation.

Default: PolicyAceAndDataAce

enforceMinReplicationForIO esmr Indicates whether (true) or not (false) to enforce minimum number of replicas for the volume.
fixCreatorId fcid An internal flag for volumes to fix the creator container ID.
forceAudit fa Indicates whether (1) or not (0) to force audit of operations on all files, tables, and streams in the volume.
FullTopologyAlarm fta Timestamp when the Topology Full Alarm was raised.
gateway gwips The hostname or IP address and port of the MAST Gateway associated with the volume.
InodesExceededAlarm ia Timestamp when the Inodes Exceeded alarm was raised.
label l Label associated with the volume. See Using Storage Labels for more information on labels.
LargeRowWarning lrwarning Timestamp when the Large Row alarm was raised.
lastSuccessfulMirrorTime lmt Last time when the mirror completed successfully.
limitspread ls An internal flag for volumes to control the growth of volumes in terms of the number of containers. When this flag is set, CLDB tried to limit the number of new containers created depending on the present size of the volume. If the volume size (the data in the volume) is small, the CLDB tries to reuse space in existing containers thus avoiding the creation of new containers.
localpath lp Topology of the volume.
logicalUsed dlu Logical size of disk used by this volume in MB.
maxinodesalarmthreshold miath The threshold of inodes in use that set off the Inodes Limit Exceeded alarm.
maxnssizembalarmthreshold mnsszath The namespace container size, which when exceeded raises the INODES_EXCEEDED alarm.
metricsEnabled me Indicates whether (1) or not (0) metrics collection is enabled for the volume.
minreplicas mrf Minimum number of replicas before re-replication starts.
mirror-percent-complete mpc Percentage complete for the most recent or current mirror operation.
mirrorDataSrcCluster mdc Name of the cluster of the originator volume.
mirrorDataSrcVolume mds Name of the originator volume. This is used to identify the mirror family in cascaded mirroring.
mirrorDataSrcVolumeId mdi ID of the originator volume.
MirrorFailureAlarm mfa Timestamp when the Mirror Failure alarm was raised.
mirrorId mid Current mirror ID of the volume.
mirrorscheduleid msid ID of the schedule that determines when the volume needs to be mirrored.
mirrorSrcCluster msc Name of the source cluster from which the current mirroring will happen.
mirrorSrcVolume src Name of the source volume from which the current mirrroring will happen.
mirrorSrcVolumeId msi ID of the source volume from which the current mirroring will happen.
mirrorstatus mst Status of the last mirror attempt.
mirrorthrottle dt Flag to determine if the throttling need to be done on mirroring. Value can be:
  • 0 - disabled
  • 1 - enabled
mirrortype mrt Determines the type of volume:
  • 0 - Read-write Volume
  • 1 - Mirror Volume
  • 2 - Mirror than can be converted to read-write
  • 3 - Read-write volume that can be converted to mirror
mountdir p The path the volume is mounted on.
mounted mt A value of 1 indicates the volume is mounted
nameContainerDataThresholdMB ncdt Maximum amount of data allowed in the name container.
nameContainerSizeMB ncsmb Size of the name container for this volume in MB.
nsMinReplicas nsmr Minimum replication level for the namespace container.
nsNumReplicas nsnr Replication level for the namespace container.
needsGfsck nfsck Indicates whether (true) or not (false) this volume requires a filesystem check.
nextMirrorId nmid Mirror ID that is assigned if the mirroring successfully completes the next time.
NoNodesInTopologyAlarm nna Timestamp when the No Nodes in Topology alarm was raised.
nslabel nsl The name container label. See Using Storage Labels for more information on labels.
nsMinReplicas nsmr Indicates the minimum number of name space replicas configured for the volume.
nsNumRelicas nsnr Indicates the desired number of name space replicas configured for the volume.
numactivecgcontainers numactivecgcntrs The number of active CG containers for the volume.
numcontainers nc Number of containers that the volume has.
numreplicas drf Desired number of replicas. Containers with this amount of replicas are not re-replicated.
OffloadRecallFailureAlarm ora Timestamp when the Offload/Recall Failed alarm has been raised for the volume.
partlyOutOfTopology poot A value of 1 indicates this volume is partly out of its topology
quota qta Quota for limiting disk size in MB. A value of 0 indicates there are no hard quotas for this volume
QuotaExceededAlarm qa Timestamp when the Volume Quota Alarm was raised.
rackpath rp The rack path for this volume.
readonly ro A value of 1 indicates the volume is read-only.
replicatedlogicalused replused Replicated logical used data of this volume
replicatedtotalused replusedtotal Replicated total used data of this volume
replicationtype dcr Replication type. Value can be low_latency (star replication) or high_throughput (chain replication).
ReplTypeConversionInProgress rtip Indicates whether (1) replication type conversion is currently happening.
reReplTimeOutSec rto Timeout (in seconds) before attempting re-replication of replica containers. This volume property defines the timeout period until CLDB starts re-replicating the containers on the node of the volume when CLDB stops receiving a heartbeat from the node.
scheduleid sid The ID of the schedule, if any, used by this volume.
schedulename sn The name of the schedule, if any, used by this volume.
skipWireSecuityForTierInternalOps swsfti Indicates whether the skip wire security tier internal ops got enabled for this volume.
SnaprestoreMaxretriesExceededAlarm sra Timestamp when the Snapshot Restore Failure alarm was raised.
snapshotcount sc The number of snapshots for this volume.
SnapshotFailureAlarm sfa Timestamp when the Snapshot Failure alarm was raised.
snapshotused ssu Total space used (in MB) by the data owned only by the snapshot and not present in the RW volume. Data shared between the snapshot and RW volume is not counted in this field.
TableIndexEncodingErrorAlarm vatinee Timestamp when the the VOLUME_ALARM_TABLE_INDEX_ENCODING_ERROR alarm has been raised for the volume.
TableIndexErrorAlarm vatinde Timestamp when the VOLUME_ALARM_TABLE_INDEX_ERROR alarm has been raised for the volume.
TableIndexLagHighAlarm vatindlh Timestamp when the VOLUME_ALARM_TABLE_INDEX_LAG_HIGH alarm has been raised for the volume.
TableReplicationAsyncAlarm vatrepa Timestamp when the Table Replication Asynchronous alarm was raised.
TableReplicationErrorAlarm vatrepe Timestamp when the Table Replication Errors alarm was raised.
TableReplicationLagHighAlarm vatreplh Timestamp when the Table Replication Lag High alarm was raised.
tiercompactionoverheadthreshold tcovr The percentage of offloaded data that must have been deleted on the cluster to qualify the data for compaction (or deletion from the tier).
tiercompactionscheduleid tcsid The ID of the schedule to use for running the compactor.
tierenable tenb Indicates whether (1) or not (0) staorage efficiency through tiering is enabled for the volume.
tierencryption tenc Indicates whether (true) or not (false) encryption of data on the tier is enabled.
tierid tid The ID of the tier.
tierjobendtime tjetime The date and time when the last tiering operation was completed.
tierjoboffloadavgthroughputmbps tjospeed The average throughput (MB per second) for offloaded data.
tierjobrecallavgthroughputmbps tjrspeed The average throughput (MB per second) for recalled data.
tierjobprogress tjprog The completion percentage of the currently running or last tiering operation.
tierjobstarttime tjstime The date and time when the currently running or last tiering operation was started.
tierjobstate tjstatus The status of the currently running or last tiering operation. Value can be one of the following:
  • Scheduled
  • Running
  • FailureFatal
  • FailureRetriable
  • Success
  • Aborted
  • AbortInProgress
  • AbortedInternal
Fore more information on these, see Statuses.
tierjobtotaloffloadsize tjosize The total amount of data offloaded to the tier during the last offload operation.
tierjobtype tjtype The type of tiering operation currently running or last performed on the volume.
tierLocal tloc The amount of (in MB) physical user data (including recalled data) on the volume in the cluster.
tiername tname The name of the tier.
tieroffloadscheduleid tsid The ID of the schedule for offloading data to the tier.
tierPurged tpur The amount (in MB) of physical user data that is offloaded to the tier.
tierRecall trec The amount of (in MB) physical user data that is recalled to the cluster.
tierrecallexpirytime ret The amount of time to keep recalled data on the cluster before offloading (if there are changes) or purging (if there are no changes) the data.
tierruleid rid The ID of the rule or storage policy.
tiertype ttype The type of tier. Value can be either:
  • cold
  • ectier
totalused tsu Total space used for volume and snapshots, in MB.
used dsu Disk space used (in MB), not including snapshots.
volumeAces vace Displays the ACE values set for this volume.
volumeid id The volume ID.
volumename n The name of the volume.
volumetype t The volume type (for backward-compatibility):
  • 0 - Read-write Volume
  • 1 - Mirror Volume
wireSecurity ws Indicates whether (1) or not (0) wire-level security is enabled.