volume move

Moves the specified volume or mirror to a different topology. Permissions required: m or fc on the volume.


/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli volume move
  -name volumeName
  [ -cluster cluster_name ]
 [ -eclabel new label for ec-store volume ]
 [ -ectopology <topology> ]
 [ -label new label for volume data ]
 [ -nslabel new label for volume name container ]
  [ -topology topology ]
Request Type POST
Request URL


Parameter: cluster
Possible Values: Any valid cluster.
Description: The cluster on which to create the volume.
Parameter: eclabel
Possible Values: Any label.
Description: The label to use for the erasure-coded volume. See Using Storage Labels for more information on labels.
The label should contain only the following characters:
A-Z a-z 0-9 _ - .
Parameter: ectopology
Possible Values: Any topology that exists in your environment.
Description: The new rack path for the erasure-coded volume if you are moving an erasure-coded volume.
This parameter is applicable only for EC volumes.
Parameter: label
Possible Values: Any label.
Description: The label to use for the storage pool. See Using Storage Labels for more information on labels.
The label should contain only the following characters:
A-Z a-z 0-9 _ - .
Use the special label named anywhere to let a volume reside on any storage pool. Not setting a label, causes a volume to reside only on a storage pool without a label.
Parameter: name
Possible Values: Any valid name
Description: The name of the volume to move. For moving:
  • An erasure coded volume, specify the name of the front-end volume.
  • The metadata volume associated with a tier, specify the name of the metadata volume.
The name should contain only the following characters:
A-Z a-z 0-9 _ - .
For tiering-enabled volumes, the volume name cannot exceed ninety-eight characters.
Parameter: nslabel
Possible Values: Any value.
Description: The label to use for the namespace container. See Using Storage Labels for more information on labels.
The label should contain only the following characters:
A-Z a-z 0-9 _ - .
Parameter: topology
Possible Values: Any
Description: The new rack path for the:
  • Regular or tiered standard volume, if you are moving a regular or tiered standard volume.
  • Regular or tiered mirror volume, if you are moving a regular or tiered mirror volume.
  • Metadata volume, if you are moving a metadata volume associated with a tier.
This parameter is not required, if you are moving an erasure-coded volume.

Advisory Note on Storage Labels

When the volume of a label is changed, replicas cannot be migrated within the file server, from one SP with the old label to another SP with the desired label. If there no other SPs, all old copies will not be fully migrated to the new desired label.


maprcli volume move -name testVolume -topology /newPath
curl -k -X 'https://abc.sj.us:8443/rest/volume/move?name=testVolume&topology=%2FnewPath' --user mapr:mapr