When Upgrading Core with the Installer Requires an OS Upgrade

Helps you decide if an OS upgrade is needed when you are using the Installer to upgrade to core 7.0.0 or later.

Installer supports core upgrades only from release 7.3.0 to 7.4.0. All EEP upgrades are supported. The Installer cannot be used on some OS versions. For details, see Installer Support Matrix. To upgrade core or EEP manually, see these topics:

OS Versions Supported by Core 7.x

Some upgrades to core 7.x require upgrading the cluster operating system. For supported OS versions, see Operating System Support Matrix.

OS Upgrade Not Required

If the Linux OS for your cluster is supported for core 7.x, you do NOT need to upgrade the OS before you upgrade core. For example, if your cluster runs core 6.2.0 on Ubuntu 18.04 and you want to upgrade to core 7.x on 18.04, you can perform the upgrade entirely through the Installer by using the Version Upgrade feature. See Upgrading Core With the Installer.

OS Upgrade Required

If the Linux OS for your cluster is not supported for core 7.x, you must upgrade the Linux OS before upgrading to core 7.x. Use the following steps. After upgrading the OS, you can use the Installer to complete the upgrade to core 7.x:
  1. Make sure you are using the latest version of the Installer, which is required for core 7.x. For more information, see Selecting an Installer Version to Use.
  2. Apply the latest core patch on all nodes of the cluster to be upgraded. See Applying a Patch.
  3. Shut down the cluster as described in one of these topics:
  4. On the Installer node, shut down the Installer (requires root authentication):
    systemctl stop mapr-installer 
    For more information about the Installer, see Installer.
  5. On all cluster nodes, upgrade the OS to one of the supported versions mentioned earlier on this page. For upgrade information, see Upgrading Your Linux Operating System.
  6. On the Installer node, check the Installer status to see if it is started:
    systemctl status mapr-installer
  7. If the Installer isn't started, start it (requires root authentication):
    systemctl start mapr-installer
  8. Continue with the upgrade workflow using the Installer. See Upgrading Core With the Installer.