Upgrading the Ecosystem Pack Without the Installer

After you upgrade core without using the Installer, you need to upgrade ecosystem components with manual steps. First, verify that your repository is configured to use an Ecosystem Pack (EEP) that is supported by your cluster version. Then, upgrade each component manually.

If you installed the cluster with the Installer, do not use the following steps to upgrade your ecosystem components. Instead, see Upgrading Core With the Installer.

Prerequisite: Set up the EEP Repository

Complete the following steps on each node in the cluster when you upgrade without the Installer:
  1. Verify that each node can access the ecosystem packages associated with the EEP version that you want to use. For information on how to setup the ecosystem repositories or to manually download each package, see Setting Up Repositories.
  2. Update the repository cache to get the latest list of available packages:
    • On RHEL/CentOS:
      # yum clean all
    • On SLES:
       # zypper refresh
    • On Ubuntu:
      # apt-get update

Manually Upgrade Ecosystem Components

Review the EEP Release Notes to determine the list of ecosystem components available in the EEP that you have selected. Then, complete the manual upgrade steps for each component that you want to upgrade.