Upgrading Ranger

This section describes how to upgrade Ranger without the Installer.

Before upgrading, review the Pre-Upgrade Steps for Ranger.

Upgrading from EEP 9.0.0

In EEP 9.0.0, the mapr-ranger package has both Admin and UserSync services. From EEP 9.1.0 and later, mapr-ranger has only an Admin service, and there is a new package for the UserSync service: mapr-ranger-usersync.

When you upgrade from EEP 9.0.0 to EEP 9.1.0 or later, all the packages are upgraded, but you must manually install mapr-ranger-usersync as a new package:

  1. Upgrade all 'mapr-ranger*' packages:
    • On RHEL/CentOS:
      yum update 'mapr-ranger*'
    • On Ubuntu:
      apt-get install 'mapr-ranger*'
    • On SLES:
      zypper update 'mapr-ranger*'
  2. Install the mapr-ranger-usersync package:
    • On RHEL/CentOS:
      yum install mapr-ranger-usersync
    • On Ubuntu:
      apt-get install mapr-ranger-usersync
    • On SLES:
      zypper install mapr-ranger-usersync