Upgrading the Ecosystem Pack With the Installer

If the cluster that you want to upgrade was installed using the Installer, you can use the Installer to upgrade the Ecosystem Pack (EEP).

About this task


  1. Verify that all ecosystem components are prepared for an upgrade.
    Service failures, job failures, or the loss of customized configuration files can occur if you do not perform the steps to prepare ecosystem components for an upgrade.
  2. Update the Installer. For more information, see Updating the Installer.
    This step ensures that the Installer has access to the latest packages.
  3. Halt jobs and applications. Stop accepting new jobs and applications, and stop YARN applications.
    # yarn application -list
    # yarn application -kill <ApplicationId>

    You might also need specific commands to terminate custom applications.

  4. Launch the Installer URL ( https://<hostname/IPaddress>:9443).
  5. Select the Incremental Install option.
  6. Select the EEP Version to which you want to upgrade, and complete the upgrade through the Installer.
  7. Once the upgrade through the Installer is complete, perform the post-upgrade steps. See Finishing the Ecosystem Pack Upgrade.