Configure Queue Filters for mapr.rm.<value> Metrics

The YARN application metrics that are collected by JMX have the metric name syntax mapr.rm.<metric_name> and the metric values are aggregated among all the queues in the default queue. However, you can configure collectd to create a filter for each queue. As an alternative, you can use the REST API queue metrics (mapr.rm_queue.<metric_name>) which are by default set up for filtering by queue.

About this task

To configure collectd to create queue filters for mapr.rm.* metrics, define each queue that you want to create filters for in the /opt/mapr/collectd/collectd-<version>/etc/collectd.conf file. You can configure collectd to generate filters for every queue or only for specific queues. Changes that you make to the collectd.conf file only apply to metrics collected after you restart the collectd service.


  1. Open the collectd.conf file and locate the MBean "QueueMetrics" block.
    <MBean "QueueMetrics">
          ObjectName "Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=QueueMetrics,q0=root"
          InstancePrefix "rm"
          <Value "AppsRunning">
            Type "apps_running"
            InstancePrefix "default-queue"
          <Value "ActiveApplications">
            Type "active_applications"
            InstancePrefix "default-queue"
    This block specifies that there is one queue named root and that the filter for this queue is named default-queue.
  2. Create copy of the MBean "QueueMetrics" block.
  3. Configure the ObjectName option in the MBean "QueueMetrics" block copy, with the queue path for the queue that you want to create a filter for.
    • To define the a child queue named alpha under the root queue:
      ObjectName "Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=QueueMetrics,q0=root,q1=alpha"
    • To define a child queue named beta which is under a child queue named alpha:
      ObjectName "Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=QueueMetrics,q0=root,q1=alpha,q2=beta"
  4. For each Value block within the MBean "QueueMetrics" block you are defining, replace default-queue with the queue name that you want to create a filter for.
    • To define filter value alpha for the rm_queue tag, set the InstancePrefix to alpha:
       <MBean "QueueMetrics">
            ObjectName "Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=QueueMetrics,q0=root,q1=alpha"
            InstancePrefix "rm"
      <Value "AppsRunning">
              Type "apps_running"
              InstancePrefix "alpha"
      <Value "ActiveApplications">
              Type "active_applications"
              InstancePrefix "alpha"
    • To define a filter value beta for the rm_queue tag, set the InstancePrefix to beta::
       <MBean "QueueMetrics">
            ObjectName "Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=QueueMetrics,q0=root,q1=alpha,q2=beta"
            InstancePrefix "rm"
      <Value "AppsRunning">
              Type "apps_running"
              InstancePrefix "beta"
      <Value "ActiveApplications">
              Type "active_applications"
              InstancePrefix "beta"
  5. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for each queue that you want to create a filter value for.
  6. Save the collectd.conf file.
  7. Repeat steps 1 through 6 on each ResourceManager node.
  8. Restart the collectd service.
    maprcli node services -name collectd -nodes <space separated list of ResourceManager Nodes> -action restart


In the following example, rm_queue tag will have the following filter values: alpha , beta (child of alpha), and highpriority (child of root):
<MBean "QueueMetrics">
      ObjectName "Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=QueueMetrics,q0=root q1=alpha"
      InstancePrefix "rm"

      <Value "AppsRunning">
        Type "apps_running"
        InstancePrefix "alpha"

      <Value "ActiveApplications">
        Type "active_applications"
        InstancePrefix "alpha"
      <Value "ReservedVCores">
        Type "reserved_vcores"
        InstancePrefix "alpha"

<MBean "QueueMetrics">
      ObjectName "Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=QueueMetrics,q0=root q1=alpha q2=beta"
      InstancePrefix "rm"

      <Value "AppsRunning">
        Type "apps_running"
        InstancePrefix "beta"

      <Value "ActiveApplications">
        Type "active_applications"
        InstancePrefix "beta"
      <Value "ReservedVCores">
        Type "reserved_vcores"
        InstancePrefix "beta"

<MBean "QueueMetrics">
      ObjectName "Hadoop:service=ResourceManager,name=QueueMetrics,q0=root q1=highpriority"
      InstancePrefix "rm"

      <Value "AppsRunning">
        Type "apps_running"
        InstancePrefix "highpriority"

      <Value "ActiveApplications">
        Type "active_applications"
        InstancePrefix "highpriority"
      <Value "ReservedVCores">
        Type "reserved_vcores"
        InstancePrefix "highpriority"