ResourceManager Failover Properties

The following table describes the configuration properties for ResourceManager failover:

Property Description
yarn.resourcemanager.ha.custom-ha-enabled When yarn.client.failover-proxy-provider is set to org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.MapRZKBasedRMFailoverProxyProvider, this property must true. The default, set by in yarn-site.xml when the cluster uses zero configuration failover for the ResourceManager, is true.

Enables high availability for the ResourceManager. The default, set by Data Fabric in the yarn-site.xml, is true.

This property must be set to true for failover to occur.


When yarn.resourcemanager.ha.enabled is true, this property enables the ResourceManager to automatically failover.

The default, set in yarn-default.xml, is true.


When yarn.resourcemanager.ha.enabled is true, this property enables the ResourceManager to use the embedded automatic failover.

The default, set in yarn-default.xml, is true.


Specifies the cluster that the ResourceManager belongs to.

This value is originally set by in the yarn-site.xml and the value is required for failover to occur.

yarn.resourcemanager.ha.rm-ids The ResourceManager service ID. adds this property to each node with the ResourceManager role.

Specifies the serviceID of the ResourceManager on the current node.


Specifies the zookeeper quorum that the ResourceManager belongs to.

This value is originally set by in the yarn-site.xml when you configure failover.


Specifies the ResourceManager failover implementation used by clients, ApplicationMasters, and NodeManagers. sets this value based on the type of failover that you configure.

  • For automatic or manual failover, sets this value to org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.ConfiguredRMFailoverProxyProvider
  • For zero configuration failover, sets this value to org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.MapRZKBasedRMFailoverProxyProvider

This value is set by in yarn-site.xml when you configure failover. Otherwise, the default, set in yarn-default.xml is org.apache.hadoop.yarn.client.DefaultFailoverProxyProvider.


The address of the scheduler interface

This value, including the serviceID, is set by in yarn-site.xml when you configure manual or automatic failover.

For zero configuration failover, this property in not needed unless you have configure custom port values. When you specify the custom port number, the serviceID is not required.


The address of the resource tracker interface. ResourceManager listens for container requests and heartbeats from the NodeManagers on this port.

This value, including the serviceID, is set by in yarn-site.xml when you configure manual or automatic failover.

For zero configuration failover, this property in not needed unless you have configure custom port values. When you specify the custom port number, the serviceID is not required.


The address of the client interface. The ResourceManager listens for client requests on this port.

This value, including the serviceID, is set by in yarn-site.xml when you configure manual or automatic failover.

For zero configuration failover, this property in not needed unless you have configure custom port values. When you specify the custom port number, the serviceID is not required.


The address of the administrative interface. ResourceManager listens for administrative requests from the yarn rmadmin command on this port.

This value, including the serviceID, is set by in yarn-site.xml when you configure manual or automatic failover.

For zero configuration failover, this property in not needed unless you have configure custom port values. When you specify the custom port number, the serviceID is not required.


The address of the ResourceManager web UI.

This value, including the serviceID, is set by in yarn-site.xml when you configure manual or automatic failover.

For zero configuration failover, this property in not needed unless you have configure custom port values. When you specify the custom port number, the serviceID is not required.


The address of the secure ResourceManager web UI.

This value, including the serviceID, is set by in yarn-site.xml when you configure manual or automatic failover.

For zero configuration failover, this property in not needed unless you have configure custom port values. When you specify the custom port number, the serviceID is not required.


The max number of times FailoverProxyProvider should attempt failover.

The default is -1.


The sleep base (in milliseconds) to be used for calculating the exponential delay between failovers.

The value defaults to the value set by, which is 30000 ms.


The maximum sleep time (in milliseconds) between failovers.

The value defaults to the value set by, which is 30000 ms.


The number of times a client attempts to reconnect to a ResourceManager.

The default, set in yarn-default.xml, is 0 (infinite).


The number of times a client attempts to reconnect to a ResourceManager on socket timeouts.

The default, set in yarn-default.xml, is 0 (infinite).