Using the Pre-Built Installer Container Images

This section describes how to obtain and run the pre-built Installer container images.

Pre-built Installer container images are available on Docker hub. Images are available for:
  • Ubuntu 16.04
  • Ubuntu 14.04
  • CentOS 7
  • CentOS 6
The pre-built images are about 200 MB. A sample-run script that you can use to start the container is available on GitHub.
To use a pre-built image:
  1. Download the pre-built Installer container image and the sample-run script to a Linux or Mac OS X platform where Docker 1.12.5 or later is installed and the Docker daemon is up and running.
  2. (Optional) Edit the script file if you want to change any environmental variables. For more information about the environmental variables, see Environmental Variables for the Installer Container.
  3. Run the file to start mapr-installer services:
    $ ./docker_images/installer/

    After the installer service is started, you can issue Stanza commands or open the web-based Installer in a browser:

    installer (380) started with log /opt/mapr/installer/logs/installer.log
    Started service mapr-installer
        To continue installing MapR software, open the following URL in a web browser
                  If the address '' is internal and not accessible
               from your browser, use the external address mapped to it instead
    The Installer maintains the state of the cluster. When the installer is run from a container, the installer database is only as persistent as the container itself. If you need the installer data to be persistent, here are some options:
    • If you shut down a Installer container, use the docker start command (not the docker run command) to restart the same instance of the container. If you create a new instance of the container, the database will have no information.
    • Mount the /opt/mapr/ data directory outside the container to persistent storage to maintain the cluster state.
    • Use the Stanza export command to export the state of the cluster before you shut down the container. See Exporting a Cluster Configuration.