Managing Volume Balancer

Explains the CLI commands that you can use to balance the containers of a volume.

Enabling and Disabling the Volume Balancer

About this task

The volume balancer is disabled by default. To enable or disable the volume balancer:


Set the value for the cldb.volume.balancing.enable parameter using the config save command. To:
  • Enable volume balancer, run the following command:
    maprcli config save -values {cldb.volume.balancing.enable:1}
  • Disable volume balancer, run the following command:
    maprcli config save -values {cldb.volume.balancing.enable:0}
After enabling the volume balancer feature, you must run the volume balancecontainers command to balance the containers associated with a volume.

Balancing the Containers of a Volume


Run the maprcli volume balancecontainers command to balance a volume.
The basic command to balance a volume is:
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli volume balancecontainers -name <vol_name>
For more information, see volume balancecontainers.

Stopping the Volume Balancer


Run the maprcli volume balancecontainers command to stop or cancel a balancing activity.
The command to cancel a volume balancer is:
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli volume balancecontainers -name <vol_name> -cancel true
For more information, see volume balancecontainers.