Setting Up Email Addresses

Describes how to set up email addresses using the Control System and the CLI.

Setting Up Email Addresses Using the Control System

About this task

To set up email addresses for cluster users, in the Control System under Admin > User Settings > Email Address:


  1. Choose one of the following to configure the cluster to use an SMTP server to send email:
    • Use Company Domain to specify a domain to append after each user name to complete each user's email address
    • Use LDAP to obtain each user's email address from an LDAP server.
  2. Specify, for:
    Use Company Domain
    Domain to append after each user name to complete each user's email address in the user @ field.
    Use LDAP
    LDAP Server The LDAP server address.
    LDAP Port The LDAP server port number. You can select the Use Secured Port checkbox to use port 636.
    Bind Domain The bind domain for the users.
    Bind Domain Password The bind password for the users.
    Base Domain The base domain.
    UID Attribute The user ID.
    Mail Attribute The mail attribute.
  3. Click Save Changes.

Setting Up Email Addresses Using the CLI or the REST API

About this task

The basic command to set up email address for a user is:

maprcli entity modify -name <entityname> -type 0 -email <email>

For complete reference information, see entity modify.