Viewing the List of Stream Replicas

Explains how to view the list of replicas for a stream using the Control System and the CLI.

Viewing the List of Stream Replicas Using the Control System


Log in to the Control System and go to the Replication tab in the stream information page.
The Replicas pane displays the the list of replicas for the selected stream and for each replica, the pane displays the following:
Column Name Column Description
Paused Specifies whether replication is paused.
Destination Cluster & Type The cluster on which the replica stream resides.
Destination Path Specifies the name and path of the replica stream.
Status The status of the replica. Replicas can be in one of the following states:
  • In-Synch — indicates replica is in synch with the source stream and there are no more bytes to be sent from the source.
  • Pending — indicates replica is waiting for some bytes to be sent from the source. You can hover over the status to determine the number of bytes, puts, and buckets pending.
  • Broken — indicates there was an error during replication. If necessary, remove and re-create the replica.
Earliest The date of the oldest message that has yet to be replicated.
Latest The date of the newest message that has yet to be replicated.
Errors Indicates if there were errors during replication.
Compression Type The type of on-wire compression.
Synchronous Specifies whether replication is synchronous.
Throttled Specifies whether replication operations are throttled.
Encrypted Specifies whether on-wire encryption is enabled.
Selecting the checkbox beside a replica makes the Actions drop-down menu available. You can:

Viewing the List of Stream Replicas Using the CLI or REST API

About this task

The command to pause a replication is:

maprcli stream replica pause -path <stream path> -replica <remote stream path>

For complete reference information, see stream replica pause.