Viewing the List of Topics in a Stream

Explains how to view the list of topics in a stream using the Control System and the CLI.

Viewing the List of Topics in a Stream Using the Control System


Log in to the Control System and go to the Topics tab in the stream information page.
The All topics pane displays the list of topics in the stream and for each topic, the pane displays the following:
Column Name Column Description
Topic Name The name of the topic.
Maximum Lag The consumer lag time (in milliseconds).
Partitions The number of partitions in the topic.
Consumers The number of consumers for the topic.
Physical Size The physical size (in MB) of the topic.
You can view a topic from the list of topics by entering the topic name in the search field. You can also:
  • Add a topic to the stream.
  • Remove one or more topics.
  • Modify the number of partitions for a topic.

Viewing the List of Topics in a Stream Using the CLI or REST API

About this task

The command to view the list of topics in a stream is:

stream topic list -path <Stream Path>

For complete reference information, see stream topic list.