Drill-on-YARN Command Line Tool

Run the Drill-on-YARN command line tool from the Drill-on-YARN client and use it to start, stop, resize, and check the status of the Drill cluster. When you launch Drill from the command line, the tool automatically archives and uploads the “site” directory, which YARN deploys (along with Drill) onto each node.

You can access the Drill-on-YARN command line tool in the following directory:
 $DRILL_HOME/bin/drill-on-yarn.sh --site $DRILL_SITE command
where command is the operation you want to perform, such as start.
To avoid having to type the site argument for each command, set an environment variable:
The following example shows the start command after setting the environment variable:
$DRILL_HOME/bin/drill-on-yarn.sh start

Command Summary

The following table lists the commands and provides a brief summary for each:

Command Description
start Starts the Drill cluster. Prints the startup status followed by a summary of the application.
status Retrieves basic information about the Drill cluster.
stop Stops the Drill cluster.

resize <value>

resize + <increase_node_count_by>

resize - <decrease_ node_count_by>

Adds or removes nodes in the Drill cluster while the cluster runs. You can specify the exact number of nodes you want to run, or you can use +/- to increase or decrease the current node count by a certain amount.
clean Removes the cached Drill archive from the designated DFS directory.


The following sections provide detailed information and examples for each of the commands listed in the command summary:

The start command launches Drill and provides a startup status followed by a summary of the application.

The first line in the summary displays the cluster name from the configuration file to confirm which cluster is starting.
Launching Drill-on-YARN...
The next line shows the YARN application ID and tracks the job status from Accepted to Running.
Application ID: application_1462842354064_0001
Application State: ACCEPTED
Application State: RUNNING

Once the job starts, you see the YARN job tracking URL with the Drill-on-YARN web UI URL.

Application Master URL: http://<YARN_Job_Tracking_URL>:8048/
Once the application starts, the Drill-on-YARN writes an “appid” file into the Drill installation directory:
ls /opt/mapr/drill/drill-<version>
The file name is the same as the Drill cluster ID. The file contains the ID of the Drill-on-YARN application. The other commands use this ID. You can run only one Drill application at a time. If you attempt to start a second from the same client machine on which you started the first, the client command complains that the appid file already exists. If you attempt to start the cluster from a different node, the second application detects a conflict and shuts down again.
$DRILL_HOME/bin/drill-on-yarn.sh start

Launching Drill-on-YARN...
Application ID: application_1462842354064_0001
Application State: ACCEPTED
Application State: RUNNING
Tracking URL:
Application Master URL:

The status command retrieves basic information about the Drill cluster and provides a status summary.

The first several lines of the status summary provide information about the state of YARN, which includes the application ID, the application state, and YARN’s tracking URL for the application.
Application ID: application_1462842354064_0001
Application State: RUNNING
Host: yosemite/
Tracking URL:

Following the state of YARN information is the host on which the Drill application is running, the queue on which the application was placed, and the user who submitted the application. The start time tells you when YARN started the application.
Queue: default
User: drilluser
Start Time: 2016-05-09 16:56:40
The next few lines are specific to Drill, including the name of the application (which you configured in the drill-on-yarn.conf configuration file), the Drill Application Master URL, the number of Drillbits you requested to run, and the number actually running.
Application Name: Drill-on-YARN
AM State: LIVE
Target Drillbit Count: 1
Live Drillbit Count: 1
Finally, the last line provides the URL for the Drill-on-YARN web UI.
For more information, visit:
$DRILL_HOME/bin/drill-on-yarn.sh status

Application ID: application_1462842354064_0001
Application State: RUNNING
Host: yosemite/
Tracking URL:
Queue: default
User: drilluser
Start Time: 2016-05-09 16:56:40
Application Name: Drill-on-YARN
AM State: LIVE
Target Drillbit Count: 1
Live Drillbit Count: 1
For more information, visit:

The stop command stops the Drill cluster. This command is forceful and kills any in-flight queries. The output tracks the shutdown and displays the final YARN application status.

$DRILL_HOME/bin/drill-on-yarn.sh stop

Stopping Application ID: application_1462842354064_0001
Final status: SUCCEEDED

The resize command changes the number of nodes in the cluster. You can use this command to add or remove nodes in the Drill cluster as it runs. You can specify the change either by giving the number of nodes you want to run, or by using the + or - to specify the change in node count.

Drill adds nodes only if additional nodes are available from YARN. If you request to stop more nodes than are running, Drill stops all of the running nodes.
$DRILL_HOME/bin/drill-on-yarn.sh resize 10
$DRILL_HOME/bin/drill-on-yarn.sh resize +2
$DRILL_HOME/bin/drill-on-yarn.sh resize -3
The clean command removes the cached Drill archive from the designated DFS directory. If you run Drill-on-YARN for a temporary cluster, Drill leaves the Drill software archive in your designated DFS directory. Specifically, the first start uploads the Drill archive to DFS. Stop leaves the archive in DFS. Subsequent start commands reuse the cached archive if it is the same size as the version on the local disk. Clean removes the cached file, forcing Drill to upload a fresh copy if you again restart the Drill cluster.
$DRILL_HOME/bin/drill-on-yarn.sh clean