HBase - 2307 (EEP 9.1.2) Release Notes

The notes below relate to the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric distribution of HBase.

These release notes contain only HPE-specific information and are not necessarily cumulative in nature. You may also be interested in the Ecosystem Component Release Notes and the Apache HBase homepage.

Release Date July 2023
Version Interoperability See Interoperability Matrix, Ecosystem Support Matrix, and HBase Support Matrix.
Source on GitHub https://github.com/mapr/hbase
GitHub Release Tag
Maven Artifacts https://repository.mapr.com/maven/
Package Names Navigate to https://package.ezmeral.hpe.com/releases/MEP/ and select your EEP (MEP) and OS to view the list of package names.

New in this Release

HBase - 2307 introduces the following enhancements or HPE platform-specific behavior changes:
  • CVEs fixes
  • Bug fixes


This HPE release includes the following fixes on the base Apache release. For details, refer to the commit log for this project in GitHub:

GitHub Commit Number Date (YYYY-MM-DD) HPE Fix Number and Description
e4a77dc67b 2023-07-17 EEP-HBASE-357: Can not start hbase-shell on SLES cluster
e0e94b35ab 2023-06-30 EEP-HBASE-340: MEP 9.1.1: Vulnerable version of avro-1.10.1 bundled as part of the mapr-hbase.
35d070d93 2023-06-14 EEP-HBASE-356: hbase non interactive shell throw ERROR NoMethodError: undefined method 'conf' for IRB:Module
090ca8ba9 2023-06-13 EEP-HBASE-347: Security: Vulnerable version of libthrift 0.13.0, bundled as part of the MEP 9.1.1 HBase.
d2ae3202c 2023-06-13 EEP-HBASE-342: Security:: vulnerable version of jackson-databind bundled as part of the HBase~
12685447a 2023-06-12 EEP-HBASE-344: Security: Vulnerable version of jersey-json 1.20 bundled as part of the MEP 9.1.1 HBase
ebd4599c9 2023-06-12 EEP-HBASE-352: Security:: Vulnerable version of jquery bundled as part of the MEP 9.1.1 HBase
3ba7c2163 2023-06-12 EEP-HBASE-337: Security: Vulnerable version of json-smart 2.4.7 bundled /opt/mapr/hbase/hbase-1.4.14/lib/json-smart-2.4.7.jar
10496fc69 2023-06-12 EEP-HBASE-355: Upgrade internal dependencies and update artifact name for EEP-912
d8abc7021 2023-06-07 EEP-HBASE-354: Address CVE-2022-1471 for hbase
59a88dd43 2023-06-07 HBASE-27585 Bump up jruby to and related joni and jcodings to 2.1.43 and 1.0.57 respectively (#4992)
56fff9c1d 2023-06-07 HBASE-26983 Upgrade JRuby to (#4378)
54da074ff 2023-06-07 HBASE-20598 Upgrade to JRuby 9.2
98cf13143 2023-06-07 EEP-HBASE-345: Security:: Vulnerable version of jcip-annotations 1.0-1 bundled as part of the MEP 9.1.1 HBase
98005714e 2023-06-07 EEP-HBASE-353: Security:: Vulnerable version of kotlin bundled as part of the MEP 9.1.1 HBase
1a911282d 2023-06-06 EEP-HBASE-350: Security:: Vulnerable version of findbugs-annotations bundled as part of the MEP 9.1.1 HBase
66dc0d197 2023-06-06 EEP-HBASE-351: Security:: Vulnerable version of jaxb-api bundled as part of the MEP 9.1.1 HBase
78f92d06a 2023-05-05 HBASE-20295 fix NullPointException in TableOutputFormat.checkOutputSpecs
64b570c3b 2023-05-02 EEP-HBASE-332: Update Jetty to 9.4.51.v20230217
aebc9262a 2023-05-02 EEP-HBASE-333: Update Guava to 31.1-jre

For complete details, refer to the commit log for this project in GitHub.

Known Issues and Limitations


Resolved Issues
