Kafka Streams - 2210 (EEP 9.0.0) Release Notes

The notes below relate specifically to the HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Distribution for Apache Kafka. See Apache Kafka 2.6.1 release notes or the Apache Kafka Streams homepage for more information.
Release Date October 2022
HPE Version Interoperability See EEP Components and OS Support.
Source on GitHub https://github.com/mapr/kafka
GitHub Release Tag
Maven Artifacts https://repository.mapr.com/maven/
Package Names See Package Names for Ecosystem Packs (EEPs).

New in This Release

Kafka Streams - 2210 introduces the following enhancements or HPE platform-specific behavior changes:
  • CVE fixes
  • Bug fixes


This HPE release includes the following fixes on the base release:
GitHub Commit Number



MapR Fix Number and Description
8997fdad16 2022-09-13 KAFKA-908 Vulnerable bc-fips-
e2d8a728bb 2022-08-29 KAFKA-902 Fix CVE's in Kafka
f43e238b49 2022-08-25 KAFKA-898 Unable to JDBC connector in standalone mode by non-mapr user
264debc72e 2022-08-19 KAFKA-900 Update hadoop artifacts version to
a41c08b138 2022-08-19 KAFKA-899 CVE-2021-29425 - commons-io
e912cf0c74 2022-08-09 KAFKA-895 NPE after creating few hdfs connectors
80b20a3b7f 2022-07-27 KAFKA-893 Fail to get Group Metadata from Consumer
bf663562a6 2022-07-14 KAFKA-891 Publish Kafka_2.12 maven artifacts for Kafka version 2.6.1
c7dbe0c7d2 2022-07-11 MS-1085 Make AlterConsumerGroupOffsetsResult constructor accessible from outside the package.
a249b7c2f3 2022-06-27 MS-1082 Make ListConsumerGroupOffsetsResult constructor accessible from outside the package.
4f04a30312 2022-06-22 KAFKA-888 Kafka dependency updates to work with Hadoop3 libs
b5c744d860 2021-06-18 KAFKA-885 Fix CVE-2021-38153
39bcd77be7 2022-06-15 KAFKA-856 Remove unitTest from jenkins build
42a8dada83 2022-06-14 KAFKA-887 Rename GRADLE_OPTS to KAFKA_GRADLE_OPTS
c22c070d72 2022-06-14 KAKFA-887 Parametrize gradle tasks and options in private-pkg
f5e8b68065 2022-06-10 KAFKA-883 Update hadoop, hbase, hive dependencies for all kafka eco
c87092a4a4 2022-06-09 KAFKA-875 Adapt unit tests to mapr default value of group.id
5aac0f87cf 2022-06-07 KAFKA-881 Update Kafka to use 'reload4j'
d719ccbbbc 2022-06-02 KAFKA-880 Kafka broker cannot authenticate to ZK node with core7.0
5895a146c7 2022-05-27 KAFKA-865 Add mapr-specific javadoc to Admin#listOffsets
b3370d944d 2022-05-25 DFDEVOPS-1820 Remove hosts from container
3a1821912c 2022-05-25 KAFKA-856 Run Kafka Client unit tests as a part or releaseTarGz goal (adapt tests)
49a16477f0 2022-05-25 KAFKA-849 kafka client crashes with NPE while trying to use SSL (defaults defined 2)
b0f288d5ff 2022-05-24 KAFKA-878 Add required apache initialization in KafkaProducer
f18dd54378 2022-05-24 KAFKA-877 Restore change from KAFKA-6180
0d9c3487ca 2022-05-24 KAFKA-876 Get rid of deprecated ExtendedSerializer and ExtendedDeserializer
57f3262af5 2022-05-23 KAFKA-874 Add groupId validation and NPE protection to commitAsync()
f8a2387b2c 2022-05-23 KAFKA-873 Remove useless validation in apache mode initialization
cff0f2e87f 2022-05-23 KAFKA-872 Remove KAFKA-392 changes from apache code
80dc911b1c 2022-05-23 KAFKA-871 Subscribe and assign to empty list should be treated as unsubscribe()
e20485d2e8 2022-05-23 KAFKA-870 Some close() methods are not actually executed when closing consumer/producer in apache kafka mode
794d984917 2021-07-20 MINOR: Fix `testResolveDnsLookup` by using a mocked dns resolver
e381e1e607 2021-02-05 KAFKA-12193: Re-resolve IPs after a client disconnects
a791e49df2 2021-06-28 KAFKA-12790: Remove SslTransportLayerTest.testUnsupportedTlsVersion
5d2a6b1755 2021-07-20 MINOR: Fix testTlsDefaults failure due to TLS 1.0/1.1 being disabled
7240c17852 2022-05-18 KAFKA-866 KafkaMaprStreams#getShortTopicNameFromFullTopicName should do nothing if topic name is already short
fd63dc5f6a 2022-05-13 KAFKA-863 Remove rest-utils dependency from connect:runtime
4d124e8461 2022-05-13 KAFKA-864 Impersonation in Worker should be optional
e3b634d7fd 2022-05-10 KAFKA-843 Add logging when generating challenge string
23f7419598 2022-04-20 KAFKA-843 Add authorization header if authorization is enabled
9287e2c952 2022-04-11 KAFKA-854 Add metrics support
dfc1956b7c 2022-03-29 KAFKA-855 could not get TopicInfo, err 13
For complete details, refer to the commit log for this project in GitHub.

Known Issues and Limitations

  • Transactions are not supported.
  • Pattern subscription is not supported.
  • The application reset tool hangs if it runs when the Kafka Streams application is running.
  • The application reset tool may throw a Null Pointer Exception when the date or duration parameter is used.
  • The application reset tool does not reset to intermediate offset if the topic has multiple partitions.
  • MAPR-KAFKA-581: Stream hangs in rebalancing state. The workaround is to set a larger timeout. This issue is caused by MS-915: “MapR Stream application hangs inside cycle”

Resolved Issues

  • None.