Enabling Runtime Logging

To enable logging at runtime for the file client (libfsalmapr.so library), run the fcdebug utility:

/opt/mapr/server/tools/fcdebug -s <shmid> -m <module> [-l <level>] 
/opt/mapr/server/tools/fcdebug -i -s <shmid>

Before running this command, make a note of the following:

  • If necessary, run maprcli trace info to retrieve the list of modules.

    The default value for module is all.

  • Level should be one of FATAL, ERROR, WARN, INFO, DEBUG.

    If level is not specified, default level is applied for the module.

  • The -i lists the current debug level of all modules.
  • The shmid is available in the fsal.log-* files when libMapRClient is loaded.
    For example, the first line in the log file is something similar to the following:
    2017-02-13 11:56:32,6809 ERROR FuseAPI fs/client/fileclient/cc/fuse_api.cc:1371
    Thread: 428 Shmid to be used by fcdebug 512720897
    This shmid can be used with fcdebug.
Run fcdebug once for every library (every library has a separate shared memory). The shmids can be found in the respective fsal log files.