dbshell find or findbyid

To query JSON documents in HPE Ezmeral Data Fabric Database shell, use either the find or findbyid command. The find command enables you to scan complete tables and retrieve rows that satisfy projection and/or condition clauses. The findbyid command enables you to retrieve a single document with a given ID.

When you review the find examples, note that they are sometimes shown split across multiple lines for readability. You must enter the commands on a single line when you run them in dbshell.

If your find query requires the OJAI Distributed Query Service, you must install the mapr-drill-internal package on the nodes where you run dbshell. The package is available in the Data Fabric repository from which you download Ecosystem Packs. See Data Fabric Repositories and Packages for details.


find <table path> <options>
findbyid <table path> --id <key-row ID>  


find Options findbyid Options Description

*, --t, --table


*, --t, --table


Table path



Document ID

For conditions on a single document ID, you can provide the ID either by using the --id switch or by specifying the ID in a condition payload.

For example, --id id1 is equivalent to --c {"$eq":{"_id":"id1"}}.

You cannot specify multiple IDs using either syntax.
--fromid n/a Document ID to start from (inclusive)
--toid n/a Document ID to stop at (exclusive)
--limit n/a Maximum number of documents to return
--withtags, --withTags --withtags, --withTags

Enables or disables printing with extended type tags

Value: True|False

Default: True

--pretty --pretty

Enables or disables pretty printing of documents

Value: True|False

Default: True

--offset n/a Omits the first n number of documents in the result
--orderby n/a

Sorts the result by the given fields

Specify sort order as either ascending or descending using the keywords, ASC or DESC, respectively.

Default: ASC

The keywords ASC and DESC are case insensitive.
find <table path> --orderby <field path>:<sortorder>

See Query with --orderby for examples.

--c, --where --c, --where

Condition, in JSON format

See OJAI Query Condition Syntax for a description of the syntax.

See Return Documents Using Projection and Conditions for a dbshell example that uses a condition specified in JSON format.

--f, --fields --f, --fields

Projections in JSON documents

See JSON Document Field Paths for details about how to specify field paths.

See Return Documents Using Projection and Conditions for an example.
--q, --query n/a

Query JSON documents

This option accepts a query string in JSON format with predefined keywords that define the behavior of the query.

The following examples shows a query that uses three keywords:
find table/test --q {
The find command does not allow --query to work with other options, such as --fields, --where, and --orderby. For example, the following command ignores the --f option:
find table/test --f "a" --q {"$limit":2}
In addition, you should not enter the same keyword twice:
// Incorrect

// Correct

See Query with --query for more examples.