dbshell jsonoptions


The jsonoptions command sets the JSON output and displays the output appropriately.


Table 1.
jsonoptions Options Description

Enables or disables pretty printing mode

Value: true|false

Default: true

Pretty print mode displays the content of the documents as an indented hierarchy of field/value pairs. For example, if the value is true, the DATE data type appears as a Map:

"dob" : {"$dateDay":"2012-10-20"}
--withtags, --withTags

Enables or disables printing with extended JSON data type tags

Value: true|false

Default: true

For example, if the value is false, the DATE data type appears as a simple value:

"dob" : "2012-10-20"


jsonoptions --pretty <true|false>
jsonoptions --withTags <true|false>


jsonoptions --pretty true
jsonoptions --withTags false