mc share download

Generates URLs for download access.


mc share download [FLAGS] TARGET [TARGET...]

  --recursive, -r                  share all objects recursively
  --version-id value, --vid value  share a particular object version
  --expire value, -E value         set expiry in NN[h|m|s] (default: "168h")
  --json                           enable JSON lines formatted output
  --debug                          enable debug output
  --insecure                       disable SSL certificate verification
  --help, -h                       show help


Parameter Description
TARGET The alias of a configured HPE Ezmeral Object Store deployment from which to download the object. This parameter is mandatory.
recursive Share all objects recursively.
version-id Share a specific version of an object.
expire Set the time in hours, minutes and seconds when the URL expires. The default expiry time is 168 hours (7 days).
json Enable JSON formatted output.
debug Enable output for debugging.
insecure Disable SSL verification.
help Show this help.


  1. Share all objects in a top level bucket named northamerica in the Object Store deployment with alias salesobject with 20 minutes expiry:
    /opt/mapr/bin/mc share download --expire=20m salesobject/northamerica/
  2. Share all objects in recursively in all folders from a bucket named northamerica in the Object Store deployment with alias salesobject with 120 minutes expiry:
    /opt/mapr/bin/mc share download --expire=20m --recursive salesobject/northamerica/