mc tag remove

Remove tags assigned to objects and buckets on local or remote fabric/cluster on the global namespace.


  /opt/mapr/bin/mc tag remove [FLAGS] TARGET
 --versionid value, --vid value  remove tags of a specific object version
 --rewind value                  remove tags of a specific object version at specific time
 --versions                      remove tags on all versions for an object
 --json                          enable JSON lines formatted output
 --debug                         enable debug output
 --insecure                      disable SSL certificate verification
 --help, -h                      show command help               


Parameter Description
TARGET The alias of a configured HPE Ezmeral Object Store deployment for which the tags are to be removed. This parameter is mandatory.For target, use the format <alias>/<bucketname> for a local cluster and <alias>/<clustername>-<bucketname> for a remote cluster on the global namespace.
versionid or vid The object version ID for which to tags are to be listed
rewind Use the rewind flag to list tags on a specific object version at specific time
versions Use versions to specify multiple version numbers
json Enable JSON formatted output.
debug Enable output for debugging.
insecure Disable SSL verification.
help Show command help.


  1. Remove the tags assigned to an object named testobject in a local cluster bucket named testbucket, on an object store with alias myobjstore.
    /opt/mapr/bin/ mc tag remove myobjstore/testbucket/testobject
  2. Remove the tags assigned to a particular version of an object.
    /opt/mapr/bin/mc tag remove --version-id "ieQq7aXsyhlhDt47YURGlrucYY3GxWHa" myminio/testbucket/testobject
  3. Remove the tags assigned to an object named testobject on bucket named testbucket for object versions that are older than one week on an object store with alias myobjstore.
    /opt/mapr/bin/mc tag remove --versions --rewind 7d myobjstore/testbucket/testobject
  4. Remove the tags assigned to a bucket named testbucket on the local cluster on an object store with alias myobjstore.
    /opt/mapr/bin/mc tag remove myobjstore/testbucket           
  5. Remove the tags assigned to a bucket named testbucket on the remote fabric named sales on an object store with alias myobjstore.
    /opt/mapr/bin/mc tag remove myobjstore/sales-testbucket           
  6. Remove the tags assigned to the object testobject for object version ieQa in the bucket named testbucket on the remote fabric named sales on an object store with alias myobjstore.
    /opt/mapr/bin/mc tag remove --version-id "ieQa" myobjstore/sales-testbucket/testobject