Viewing the List of Tiers

Describes how to view the list of tiers using the Control System, the CLI, and the REST API.

About this task

For a primer on Data Tiering, see Data Tiering.

In the Control System, you can only see the list of cold tiers (referred to as remote targets). Use the CLI or REST API to retrieve the list of both cold and warm tiers.

Viewing the List of Remote Targets Using the Control System


Log in to the Control System and click Data > Volumes > Remote Targets.
The page displays the following for each remote target:
Column Name Column Description
Remote Target Name The name of the remote target.
External Storage Vendor The name of the third-party storage vendor.
Bucket The name of the bucket.
Region The region where the bucket resides.
URL The URL of the remote target.
You can:

Viewing the List of Tiers Using the CLI and REST API

About this task

Run the following command to retrieve the list of (warm and cold) tiers:
/opt/mapr/bin/maprcli tier list
Send a request of type GET. For example:
# curl -X GET '' --user <username>:<password>
{"timestamp":1525725765483,"timeofday":"2018-05-07 01:42:45.483 GMT-0700 PM","status":"OK","total":0,"data":[{"tierid":"79082078","tiername":"egWarmTier","tiertype":"ectier","volume":"mapr.internal.tier.egWarmTier","topology":"/data"},{"tierid":"120198852","tiername":"egColdTier","tiertype":"cold","url":"","bucketname":"ksekhar-test","region":"us-east-1","volume":"mapr.internal.tier.egColdTier","topology":"/data","objectstoretype":"S3_AWS"},{"tierid":"158778422","tiername":"autoec.vol_tiered.1525463214","tiertype":"ectier","volume":"mapr.internal.tier.autoec.vol_tiered.1525463214","topology":"/data"}]}

For more information, see tier list.