Specifying the Vendor/Object Store for a Cold Tier
Specify the vendor or object store where you plan to offload the (cold) data. The following table lists the supported vendors, URL of the tier endpoint, and authentication protocol supported by Data Fabric:
Supported Vendor/Object Store | Tier URL/Endpoint | Supported Authentication Protocol |
AWS (Amazon AWS) | The URL varies based on the region. For:
GCS (Google Cloud Platform) | https://storage.googleapis.com |
HDS (Hitachi HCP) | http://<hcptenant>.<hcphostname>
https://<hcptenant>.<hcphostname> |
IBM (IBM Cleversafe) | http://lb1.ait.cleversafelabs.com |
Azure Blob (Microsoft Azure) | https://<azureaccount>.blob.core.windows.net |
Minio | |
Scality | https://<scality-instance-hostname>:8000 |