Running Tiering Commands when maprcli and hadoop Commands are not Available

You can offload and/or recall a file with NFS, loopbacknfs, and FUSE-based POSIX clients even if maprcli or hadoop commands are not available. To perform file-level data tiering operations like offload and/or recall using NFS, loopbacknfs, and FUSE-based POSIX clients when maprcli or hadoop commands are not available, after mounting, provide the tiering command such as offload, recall, tierjobstatus, and/or tierjobabort as described below. When you run the command, the command creates a hidden .tier_attributes file (similar to .dfs_attributes file) that is purged immediately after the operation is submitted to the server.

When you run the command, the tiering command is triggered immediately and storage policy (or rule), if any, at the volume-level is ignored.


/bin/echo "<command> <file-name>" > .tier_attributes
Do not use echo in the terminal; instead, use /bin/echo.


Option Description
command The tiering related command to run. The following commands are supported:
  • offload
  • recall
  • tierjobstatus
  • tierjobabort
file-name The name of the file.

Return Values

On success, the command returns nothing. Otherwise, the command returns one of the following /bin/echo return codes, which are displayed as write errors:

Code Message Description
EEXIST File exists Indicates tier job is queued or is already in progress.
ENOTEMPTY Directory not empty Indicates that tier job queue is full.
ENOENT No such file or directory Indicates that the specified file or job ID does not exist.
EIO I/O error Indicates that the job could not be submitted. Run the tierjobstatus command to determine the reason for this error.
EINVAL Invalid argument Indicates that the given command is invalid or not available. See Options for the list of supported commands.


Offload file named test
# /bin/echo "offload test" > .tier_attributes
/bin/echo: write error: File exists
Recall a file named test
# /bin/echo "recall test" > .tier_attributes
/bin/echo: write error: File exists
Check the status of a running job for a file
# /bin/echo "tierjobstatus test" > .tier_attributes
Abort a running job
# /bin/echo "tierjobabort test" > .tier_attributes
/bin/echo: write error: No such file or directory